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January 15, 2013

Happy 2nd Anniversary

Books HD
Books HD (Photo credit: Abee5)
Wow! I had tried to plan some big party for my second blogiversary, but time has gotten away from me. I was busy doing what I love - promoting awesome authors and reviewing great books. And I have read some terrific books these past two years. Books I never would have picked up or possibly even known about if it was for blogging.

I have met some truly wonderful people through the blog - fellow bloggers and authors as well as regular readers - who have encouraged me and shared some of life's ups & downs. For a single gal in a small town, the online community I have found in the blogosphere really means a lot to me.

When I think back over the last two years, I'm amazed at how far this blog has come (a long ways from posting just 1 review a week). I've hosted NYT & USA Today best selling authors as well as a Pultizer Prize winner. I've discovered I like some fantasy & sci-fi novels and I prefer first person narration in my audio books. I've learned I had a secret talent hidden inside - the ability to network and promote - that is leading me in a career direction I never would have dreamed I would like, let alone be good at.

So here's to a great two years and hopefully many more successful years to come!

photo credit: Ben Sutherland via photopin cc

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  1. Yay! Great milestone! Keep it up, you are an inspiration to a baby blogger like me!

  2. Congrats!

    Watching your blog grow has been an inspiration.

    Keep it up!

    Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy Blogoversary!

  4. Happy blogoversary! Hope you have a great year.

    Rivie @ Bookshelf

