At last the circle was full, all palms bleeding equally; I was brave enough to steal a peek. Twelve sweaty, naked men and me. It could have been a dream come true, except it was so not. The knife was gone and the men tightened the circle, squeezing me between Alex and Ben.
The Review:
Sam's story starts out in the Immortal Blood series with Club Number Five as the first book. However you do not need to read that series to read this book.
Sam is now a new born vampire and has had to deal with a cruel master and maybe losing the love of her life. Now Muriel the elder vampire believes that Sam is trying to get together with Muriel’s son and so sends Sam away from the house and her friends. Sam is to become a hunter. She is to be trained by the gorgeous twins, Alex and Ben. Kieran, Sam's human ‘slave’ goes with her and at the last moment Dane also decides that he is going with her.
Here at the new place she endures the worst of days and is savagely attacked by Ben, but she pushes through it all by fighting back and earning her place in the brotherhood. She quickly becomes a ferocious and deadly being. She and Dane even rekindle their love but in the end this becomes her downfall and they may not get their ‘happily ever after’. The end was very climatic and I am very much looking forward to reading the next book.
I read Red Hunter by Jennifer Loiske in one sitting. The writing is fast paced and descriptive and had me turning page after page to see what was going to happen next. The characters are great and are easy to like/hate. Sam is such a strong, passionate female character that I was always willing her to do better or to win each fight or test she had to go through.
If you like action packed vampire stories, full of love and fighting, where one moment they are hot, sexy nice vampires and the next they are deadly predators then this is a book for you.
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Book info:
available formats: ebook and paperback (200 pages)
published: November 2014 by Rogue House
ISBN13: 978-1326096533
genres: Fantasy, paranormal
source: author
read: February 2015
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