Readers' Favorite

February 1, 2020

The Peacock Room by Merryn Corcoran ~ a Review

by MK French

After Allegra O'Brien finds out about her husband's infidelity, she goes to Tuscany to look into her roots. A spur of the moment decision during the trip led to her meeting the handsome Massimo and seeing part of the castle that her Italian grandfather had always talked about. Now she's determined to learn more about the castle and the mystery surrounding her great-grandfather's disappearance, as well as reclaim her independence and sense of identity.

January 31, 2020

Favorite Reads of January 2020

January was a long month with nearly 5 full weeks. Did you get a lot of reading done this month? What was your favorite book? Susan, MK, and Donna share their favorite read for the month.

January 30, 2020

Belle Révolte by Linsey Miller ~ a Review

by MK French

Noonday arts is used in fighting and healing gruesome wounds while the midnight arts are comprised of illusions, divination, and scrying. The divide between the magic types are gender locked, but Emilie des Marais is determined to become a physician rather than a society lady as befitting her station as a Comtesse. When she sees a girl that looks very similar to her en route, they swap places so she can go to university. Annette Boucher does have magic and does want the chance to study the midnight arts. The world around them would never give a peasant girl a chance like this, especially when there is a rebellion brewing in the kingdom and it's on the brink of war.

January 29, 2020

Sue's 2019 Reading Results and 2020 Plans

by Susan Roberts

I started 2020 in the hospital with pneumonia so I'm way behind with my view back at 2019 and my reading plans for 2020.

January 28, 2020

When You See Me by Lisa Gardner ~ a Review

by Donna Huber

My mother likes to hum. She stands at the stove, stirring this, tasting that, and humming, humming, humming. (prologue)

January 27, 2020

4 Books to Read for International Holocaust Remembrance Day

by Susan Roberts

Amsterdam Publishers specializes in Holocaust memoirs & WW2 historical fiction.
Every year survivors with unique testimonies are passing away. Their stories need to be kept alive. Especially today, these accounts seem more important than ever. "We’re the biggest international publisher of Holocaust memoirs in Europe. The generation that experienced WW2 directly is dying out, and it’s our precious endeavor to get hold of their tales while they are still alive." – Liesbeth Heenk

I recently received four books from Amsterdam Publishers that are being published in December 2019 and in January 2020. 

International Holocaust Remembrance day is 27 January 2020

January 26, 2020

Cast in Wisdom by Michelle Sagara ~ a Review

by MK French

The City of Elantra is surrounded by fiefdoms, each surrounding a sentient Tower. Between them are border zones, places of erratic and unpredictable magic. Even so, Kaylin seems to understand how that works, and is trying to understand the secrets surrounding the border zones before others do.

Life, Reading and Blogging Wrap-up - January 2020

by Donna Huber

I've decided this year to move my monthly wrap up posts to Sundays because, in addition to linking up to It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Feed Your Fiction Addiction's Monthly Wrap-up, I wanted to try out the meme The Sunday Salon. I talk about everyday life as well as bookish, bloggy things in my wrap up posts, it seemed natural to join that meme as well. It does mean more blogs to visit, so I hope everyone will bear with me if it takes a few days (week?) to get to you.
