Readers' Favorite

December 8, 2018

Sharing Passion During the Holiday Season

by C.M. North

Black Friday is so-called, the tale goes, because it was the first day of the financial year that businesses could expect to make a profit - for their ledger to go from red to black. The day after Thanksgiving, when the corporate world was off from work, was a ripe opportunity for the sales world to make a killing.

December 7, 2018

Evil is Always Human by Eddie Whitlock ~ a Review

by Donna Huber

When I went to the Indie Author Event at a local library earlier this year, I ran into Eddie Whitlock. He is the librarian that runs the post-apocalyptic book club I attend. I didn't know he is an author. Though the genres he writes aren't really my favorites, he wanted me to give his southern novel a try.

December 6, 2018

Whippoorwill by R. L. Bartram ~ a Review

by MK French

Ceci Prejean was a tomboy running around in Louisiana before her father enlisted help to turn her into a proper Creole lady. She fell in love with Trent Sinclaire, a northerner, and they were engaged to be married. Before the wedding, the Civil War breaks out, and Trent is recalled north to fight. Heartbroken after her family is killed in the Battle of New Orleans, Ceci turns to spymaster Henry Doucet.

December 5, 2018

Q&A with Elizabeth Hutchinson Bernard, Author of Temptation Rag

Elizabeth Hutchinson Bernard is celebrating the release of her new historical novel this week. She was kind of nice to give an interview to let you know more about her and her novel Temptation Rag.

December 4, 2018

Unreasonable Doubts by Reyna Marder Gentin ~ a Review

by Susan Roberts

This may be categorized as a legal thriller but it's so much more. It's a book about love and friendship and trying to decide what's really important in life. This is a debut novel for this author and based on this book, I expect that we'll see many more fantastic books from her in the future.

December 3, 2018

Limetown by Cote Smith ~ a Review #MondayBlogs

by MK French

Lia Haddock is a teenager in high school when she hears of Limetown - a town of over three hundred people, including her uncle Emile, who simply vanished overnight. She decided to try to investigate a bit on her own, but she wasn't the only one trying to find answers.

December 2, 2018

4 New Books with Strong Female Main Characters

by Susan Roberts

I love to read books with strong female main characters who can handle whatever the world throws at them.  I have reviews of 4 new books today with strong women ranging from teenagers to grandmas.
