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May 30, 2013

ArmchairBEA Giveaway Day

Today is one of my favorite days of Armchair BEA - Giveaway Day! And you know what? It is better than being at BEA because you don't have to lug around your new finds or wonder how to pack them back home.

Typically on Thursdays, I have a tips post. I give advice or share something I learned recently that I think is beneficial to bloggers. Since it is giveaway day, I thought I would mention my tips on running a legal giveaway. You can check out the post here.

I have several giveaways going on right now that you might be interested in.

Blood Vine series swag and signed paperback of Fern by Amy Richie (ends 5/31)
$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal cash (ends 6/1)
A Newbie Author's Survival Guide by A. K. Taylor - 3 e-copies (ends 6/5)
Swag & signed children's book Erin by Monette Pangan (ends 6/7)
Crimson Key swag & signed paperback of Brown House by Christy Sloat (ends 6/10)
Bounce House (ends 6/11)
Complete series of The Pipe Woman Chronicles by Lynne Cantwell & $20 Amazon Gift (ends 6/17)
$25 Amazon or iTunes gift card (ends 6/18)

And now a special giveaway for Armchair BEA participants ONLY: a $15 gift card from bookstore of your choice (must accept US dollars and be purchased online. For Book Depository, winner may choose a $15 book since they don't do gift cards).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I will most likely use this to buy the final book in the Sookie Stackhouse series. I am not sure if I will have a giveaway or not. I have some books I could list, but funds are a bit tight for shipping.

    Lisa @ Just Another Rabid Reader

    1. Thanks for stopping by and entering. I debated giving books from my shelves, but wanted to do something internationally. If you keep it domestic, shipping is usually $2 - $3 for 1 book. In the past I've seen a number of bloggers offer a $5 gift card.

  2. I will apply it to Amazon GC balance.. what to buy? Probably two of my higher priced books on my Wishlist!

  3. These are amazing prizes! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for the link to the tips for running a legal giveaway. Great information!

  5. I would choose either Unravel Me, Requiem, Chosen at Nightfall or Sweet Peril.

    Here's My Giveaway & Literary Fiction Post

  6. I will buy The Firebird by Susanna Kearsley when it comes out on June 4th! Thanks for the giveaway - I have one running on my blog here:

  7. Honestly I'm not sure what I would get. It would probably just get added to the Amazon GC stash for giving birthday/Christmas gifts.

  8. I am not sure what I would get! Obviously something off my wishlist!! I have a giveaway at

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  9. I don't know what I'd buy, but I'm sure I'd love it! My giveaway is at

  10. I'm not sure what I'd buy but I am thinking!

  11. I would probably get Shutdown :)

  12. SO hard to answer this! I've been dying to read THE 5TH WAVE and THE PROGRAM. I'd probably pick one of those! Thanks for the giveaway! I, unfortunately, don't have an official ABEA giveaway going on but I do have one that's been going on for the last week. I would've added it to the linky but wasn't sure if it had to be ABEA specific.

    Here's the giveaway if you're interested: Waiting For You by Susane Colasanti

  13. I'm not sure what I would buy. It's been so long since I've actually bought a book. I just haven't had time to read . Honestly, I'm not even sure what is coming out or already out as of lately. Shame on me, right?

    Thanks so much!


  14. I would love to buy the upcoming Elizabeth Chadwick novel!! Thanks for the giveaway!

    My giveaway link is here

  15. I would buy Fault In our Stars because I've heard such wonderful things about it! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

