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by Donna Huber For the A to Z Challenge, I discussed different book genres/categories. Each day, I gave a few details about the genre/catego...

August 19, 2013

R. E. Hargrave's Bookshelf

I thought I’d share the bookcases in my house, simply because my “bookshelf” is as eclectic as my writing. 

Where’s the fun in sticking to one thing? By the same token, do you always want to sit in the same place when you read? No, not really, so I have an easy solution: books in every room! (*Side note: I keep telling myself this because I’m still waiting for the hubs to build me a custom floor to ceiling unit.)

Reading has always been important to me, and by extension, my kids. They were read to in the womb, and even now, I’ll sit down and read with them on occasion. Those days are becoming few and far between, however, as my little darlings become teenagers.

Here’s a look into my past, a small peak at where my love of stories began:

Yes, those were MY books when I was still in single digits. Though my kids would tell you otherwise, I promise there were no dinosaurs at the time. Now, they sit on one of my daughter’s bookcases. Like mother, like daughter, she enjoys reading . . . 

She had more, but we recently cleaned up and donated two boxes of books to her elementary school. Disney, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Warriors, the Ink trilogy by Cornelia Funke, and of course y’all recognize Harry:

It’s probably no surprise that before my youngest became a book worm (reading the likes of Charlie Bone and the Warriors series), her older brothers were bitten by the reading bug first:

The middle child’s case (above): hands down his favorite series is Percy Jackson. And the YA goldmine of the oldest (below): Eragon, Fablehaven, Abarat, multiple series by Tamora Pierce, Lemony Snickets, Artemis Fowl, The Bartimaeus Trilogy . . . just to name a few on the shelf.

I think I’ve mentioned in the past that my kids are really smart? Yeah … that’s the seventeen-year-old’s calculus book. Oh, and another peek at my past — that’s my high school Latin book. Brain child wanted to start teaching himself, and asked to borrow it.  Oh, and this is the ‘classics’ collection, well, part of it.
It would be silly to keep all the books in the bedroom, though, so let’s take a walk into the den . . . 

Tolkien, Gabaldon, Donaldson, Collins, and what collection is complete without the talents of Bill Watterson?

(Above) More classics mixed in with college textbooks . . . Oh, look! There’s my Complete Works of Shakespeare.

Have I gone off on a complete tangent? After all, you did ask what was on MY bookshelf. So, I’ve saved the ‘best’ for last. This is my guilty secret corner:

No, you don’t see my books on there. This whole publishing thing still doesn’t feel real, so for now I keep my personal copies tucked away safe and sound. They are still a dream to me, one meant to be saved for that cold, dark place we all find ourselves pulled to now and again. When your day turns cloudy, it’s amazing how the power of words can lift you up. 

I leave you with this excerpt from one of my childhood books: Frederick by Leo Lionni.

“Frederick, why don’t you work?” they asked.
“I do work,” said Frederick.
“I gather sun rays for the cold dark winter days.”
And when they saw Frederick sitting there, staring at the meadow, they said, “And now, Frederick?”
“I gather colors,” answered Frederick simply. “For winter is gray.”
And once Frederick seemed half asleep. “Are you dreaming, Frederick?” they asked reproachfully. But Frederick said, “Oh no, I am gathering words. For the winter days are long and many, and we’ll run out of things to say.”

Life is an inspiration, never stop gathering supplies.

About the book:

Over the past year of being Jayden Masterson’s collared submissive, Catherine O’Chancey has worked through the mental terrors left behind by her old Dom — she thinks. To celebrate their collar-ing anniversary, Jayden organizes a special day, during which her final limits and fantasies will be realized. Will it prove to be more than she can handle? Can she endure the erotic onslaught her mind and body will experience and survive unscathed?
While Catherine faces dark shadows and pleasurable highs, Jayden finds his own inner strength being tested. He has come to realize that, somewhere along the way, Catherine has taken possession of his heart, mind, and body. Now he faces his biggest challenge ever; he must let go of all his submissives but one: his jewel, Catherine. Can he leave his philandering ways behind? Has he made the ultimate mistake by putting his jewel into the hands of others?
Buy A Divine Life at Amazon

About the Author:

R.E. Hargrave lives on the outskirts of Dallas, TX where she prides herself on being a domestic engineer. Married to her high school sweetheart, together they are raising three children from elementary age to college age. She is an avid reader, a sometimes quilter and now, a writer for Renaissance Romance Publishing.
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