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by Donna Huber For the A to Z Challenge, I discussed different book genres/categories. Each day, I gave a few details about the genre/catego...

May 27, 2014

Day 2: Author Interactions and More Than Just Words #ArmchairBEA

Author Interactions:

Since becoming a book blogger I've interacted with a bunch of authors. I even have a few "I knew you when" stories. While most of my interactions have continued to be online I have gotten to meet a few authors in real life.

Most recently, I covered Macmillan's Fierce Reads tour stop at Avid Bookshop. I got to meet Marie Rutkoski, Lindsay Smith, Katie Finns, and Anna Banks. You can read my full recap of the event and enter to win 1 of 4 signed copies (US only).

A few months ago, I helped organize a book signing with Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar. That was cool because we had known each other online for a couple of years, but this was the first time we met in person.

As you can see most of my real life author interactions are book signing related. However, this October I'm planning a Walt Disney World trip with JB Lynn, author of The Slightly Neurotic Hitwoman series. It is purely for fun. Neither of us have ever been to Disney World and we have since discovered our mutual dislike for roller coasters so it is sounding like a perfect match.

More Than Just Words:

When I was with the publishing house I attended an ebook submit. One of the presentations was on enhanced ebooks. It was a really cool presentation. They used a nonfiction historical text. They embedded news clips and other videos, including a never aired interview. It would add a little something extra to nonfiction titles, which could make them more appealing to the general public.

I have been reading Sex, Life, and Hannah. The interesting thing about this series is the lay out. It is like a magazine. It definitely added an energy to the story.

Earlier this year, Seventeen magazine released a book on dating. It is filled with glossy pictures of teen celebrities, quote boxes, and quizzes. It is the magazine in book form. When I got my copy I felt like it needed its own photo shoot. It's pretty slick.

I think if authors could get around the copyright issues (through a mutually beneficial deal) on music, we would see a lot of indie authors at least embedding a playlist for the reader to listen to while reading.

Except for a few exceptions, I'm pretty much a traditionalist when it comes to the books I read. While I can appreciate the extra bells and whistles, I prefer to let my imagination fill in the extraneous stuff. Otherwise, I'm likely to be distracted by all the shiny toys and miss out on why I'm reading.

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  1. I'm with you on the distractions, sometimes it's hard enough to concentrate as it is!

  2. An imbedded playlist sounds pretty cool... as long as I could turn it off after the tenth time!

  3. The magazine style sounds really amazing. I will have to check Sex, Life, and Hannah.

  4. The enhanced ebook sounds interesting, my son loves nonfiction books more than fiction and could see this being a big draw for him

  5. The extra bells and whistles can be really interesting, but I'm not always sure if they enhance my reading experience or just distract me. But I am a traditionalist.

  6. Interesting posts. I can see the attraction of the enhanced ebooks perhaps for textbooks and nonfiction, however I would be too distracted to read that's why I have a simple ereader so I read.


  7. That Disney trip sounds like a blast! I love going to author events and you're lucky to have some close author friends. I only know someone from my grad class that published a book and we only see each other online now. (I bought and still need to read the

  8. You've had a couple great interactions!

  9. I think making it to a Fierce Reads tour would be a blast! I always love at least a few of the authors. I haven't yet interacted with an author online and then gotten to meet them in person, but I think it will be awesome when it happens. It would be so cool to feel like you already know the author a bit and to maybe have more to talk about than you do in other cases.

  10. I often just stick with books. I really only use my Nook for pdf's and arc ebooks. I must be a bit out of date :( Your interactions sound fun!

  11. That sounds like really cool author meet up chances :) I've been to a couple Fierce Reads tours but never with those authors. I do like Fierce Reads more than the other tours. They give more time for interaction, and Q&As.

