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September 8, 2015

Review: Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts by Janet DeLee

by Claire Rees

cover Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts

On a cold and blustery March afternoon, Ginny Lawther sat in the modern and well-appointed kitchen of her best friend, Cathy Saunders. The kitchen was cozy and warm, filled with the aroma of brewing coffee. The two women stared intently at Ginny's laptop[ scree as the sat together, reading the ad Ginny created for her brainchild - the Ideal Life Club.

The Review

In Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts by Janet DeLee, a group called ‘The ideal life club’ is put together to try to encourage people to pursue a dream by a local well known author Ginny Lawther.

The group was to help them to focus and provide support for each other as they tried to reach their goals.  The first meeting goes well with five people turning up. They each write down what  their long term goal is and what their first step towards achieving this goal would be.

Throughout the story we hear from each of the characters and accompany them on their journey to get them closer to their goals.

I very much enjoyed this book as each character's goals and lives seem so different from each other but as the story continues they become much closer. The end had a little bit of a surprise in it that I did not see coming and it added to the feel good part of the story.

A feel good happy story, with a few sad moments, Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts kept me turning page after page, giving me a warm fuzzy feeling through out.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good story line that will make you feel good and wonder about the supernatural.

Buy Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts at Amazon

Book info:
available formats: ebook and print
published: May 2015
ISBN13: 9781511656221
genres: mystery, women's fiction
source: author
read: August 2015

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  1. I love the opening lines and the setting...and I'm eager to learn more. Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “MY SALINGER YEAR”

  2. Humm, I'm not completely sure this one is for me.

  3. A warm fuzzy feeling sounds kind of appealing today...

  4. This opening has me curious, so I'd keep reading.

  5. I like the atmosphere created by the author in the opening. This sounds like the kind of book I enjoy.
    My Tuesday post features Shadow of the Hawk.

  6. I love the opening you shared, and I am glad to hear you enjoyed this one. A feel good story is just what the doctor ordered sometimes.

  7. This sounds good - I'd definitely read more. Thanks for joining us this week.

