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May 30, 2016

Review: The Passion of Jazz and Other Short Stories by Nicholas Bridgman #MondayBlogs

by Claire Rees

The Passion of Jazz and Other Short Stories
What a wonderful collection of short stories. Each of them different from the last.

In "The Passion of Jazz", two students meet at music school and like each other but don't act on it. Only to meet years later when they are both married and it is too late for them. They still share their passion for Jazz.

"No One There to Listen" is about a family going camping. The parents are arguing all the time and the children feel that their father never pays attention to them or listens to them. He, of course, doesn't realize that this is true until it is too late to start paying attention.

In "Grandfather’s Gift" we are in the future where the deceased can carry on giving guests to their loved ones long after they have died. But what if the loved ones don't see it as a gift but rather as a constant reminder that their loved one is no longer with them. That's what happens to this family and it ends up in tragedy.

In "Lost in the Woods", a couple of students who don't really get along get lost in the woods whilst returning from a group holiday. They manage to return home safely but has their relationship changed?

In "Sleep", the last of the stories, the character is plagued by Demons that he believes are after him and burns down a church. The story tells of his court case and his stay at jail and a hospital, where they try to determine his guilt.

Each of the short stories were extremely well written and I enjoyed each one as much as the one before.

I think because of the difference in the stories that anyone could find at least one story that they love.

Buy The Passion of Jazz and Other Short Stories at Amazon

Claire Rees, reviewer. Claire lives in a small village in the South Wales Valleys, UK with her husband, two kids and five snakes. She has always loved reading books. Her favorite genres are horror, mystery and fantasy, although if the story line is good she'll read anything. Connect with Claire on Facebook.

Book info:
available formats: ebook (43 pages)
published: February 2016
genres: short stories, anthology
source: author

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