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May 20, 2011

Follow Friday

So I'm trying out another weekly meme. Let me know if you like it or not. It's a recap of sorts for my week of reading. I might play around a bit and add in a little video to my blog with these weekly memes. Would you watch it?

My review for the week: 

Buddy's TailBuddy's Tail by K. Anne Russell
If you are looking for a book to enjoy with your elementary aged child this summer (have you signed up for your library's summer reading program?) I recommend giving this book a try. I give it 4 tail shakes (ok, that was my attempt at funny). Also check out Anne's website for instructional material -

Reading on my Nook:

Lethal Remedy (Prescription for Trouble)Lethal Remedy (Prescription for Trouble) by Richard L. Mabry

I received my Nook on Monday and already love it. I've played several games of Sudoku, but also started reading my ARC from It is kind of ironic that I am reading a fictional tale about an experimental drug trial, when I'm also reading a non-fiction book on why we shouldn't vaccinate our kids.

Listening to:

It Had To Be YouIt Had To Be You by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Not sure if I'm going to make it through this audio book. I can't remember why I thought I might like it. It is off to a very slow start. I'm on the 4th chapter and if the story doesn't start moving soon I might call it quits. I'm taking suggestions for my next audio book choice.

In my hands (traditional printed books):

The Priest's GraveyardThe Priest's Graveyard by Ted Dekker

This is such a phenomenal read. I should finish it up this weekend. Unfortunately you won't see my review until sometime in June when I am the featured Little Known Blog. I'm just going to go ahead and tell you - get your copy NOW, you won't regret it.

Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a TimeVaccine-nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time by Andreas Moritz

I'm reading a little each day so I should eventually finish it. I just noticed the price on for this book. Only a couple of chapters in and I don't think you should waste your money. It has the feel of an infomercial that plays on late night TV. 

Question of the week:

What are 5 quirky habits or facts about you?

  1. I don't like my food to touch, unless it is food that is meant to be mixed together (ie chicken pot pie). Chinese food is the only exception.
  2. I love to cook, but I hate touching raw meat.
  3. My guilty pleasure is reading Twilight fanfiction
  4. I'm kind of anti-technology, but I got a smartphone and a Nook this weekend (use the Nook a lot, the phone not so much).
  5. I will read horrible and scary stuff in a book, but I won't watch a horror movie.


  1. You've reviewed some great books!

    I don't like touching raw meat myself.


    Feel free to stop by my blog -

  2. Oh, I hate touching raw meat as well. Ew. Very nice list!

    Thanks for stopping by and yay for joining FF!

    Rebecca @ kindle fever

  3. Thanks Jules and Bex for stopping by and commenting! My dislike for touching raw meat does deeper than most. I want to wear gloves every time I have to deal with it - especially chicken, but then I feel silly. I wash my hands every 2 seconds though just to be safe.

  4. I found your blog via Follow-Friday. I'm following you now.

    I love my Nook (I wasn't sure that I would). I got it for Christmas last year and have been using it all the time.

    I also feel the same way about scary stuff. I hate scary movies, but I can usually handle the same stuff in books just fine (is that because you can skim if you really have to?)

    Happy Friday! I hope you have a nice weekend.

  5. Karen! - I think for me my brain can control the images it conjures up, but when the scene in on the movie screen I'm at someone else's mercy.

  6. New follower, hopping through!

    I hate touching raw meat too. Eww! I hope you love your nook! They are so awesome!

    Happy Hopping!

  7. Welcome to the Hop! I'm one of your newest followers :)

    I hear you on the raw meat department - I hate coming into contact with it, too... all that bacteria!

    Take care & happy reading,
    Ms. C

  8. Christy - I love my Nook. I take it with me everywhere. Now I can read when ever a get a free moment.

    Ms. C - I'm a bit of a germaphobe. But chicken is the worst for me for some reason.

    Thank you both for following and commenting!

  9. Hi I am a new follower from the hop and I am with you on the raw meat issue! Raw chicken is so horrible and slimy!
    Nicki J Markus

  10. Hopping through. New follower! I love cooking too and don't like raw meat. I cook vegetarian at home, so I don't have to touch it.
    My IMM

  11. I'm not a fan of touching raw chicken! Hi! Just stopping by. Following you from the Feature and Follow Friday blog hop (finishing from last night!). Would love a follow back: I also have twitter: @wlbks. Have a 'good read' weekend!

  12. I also hate touching raw meat! I either use tongs or make my husband do it. But I do enjoy cooking! Have a great weekend Donna!

