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Z is for Zombie Fiction #AtoZChallenge

by Donna Huber For the A to Z Challenge, I'm discussing different book genres/categories. Each day, I will give a few details about the ...

September 5, 2011

Video: What should I read next?

Finished Reading...

Boyfriend From Hell (Falling Angels Saga)Leaving (Bailey Flanigan Series)

Still Reading...

Huber Hill and the Dead Man's Treasure

What to read next?
If you watched the video, you know that I need your help deciding which book to read next. Please leave a comment with your vote.

ImmortalImmortal by Gene Doucette
IMMORTAL is a first person confessional, penned by a man who is immortal but not invincible. In an artful blending of sci-fi, adventure, fantasy and humor, Immortal introduces us to a world with vampires, demons and other "magical" creatures, yet a world without actual magic. It is a contemporary fantasy for non-fantasy readers and enthusiasts alike. From

Daddy Left Me Alone With GodDaddy Left Me Alone With God by Robin Slick
Annie loathes middle age because in her mind, as long as she avoids mirrors in brightly lit rooms, she is still a cool, cutting edge hipster with a scandalous secret she has kept for almost three decades.

At age seventeen, Annie had a love affair with a man ten years her senior -- legendary British rock guitarist Mick Saunders.

Now, feeling stuck in a boring, faltering marriage and desperate to change her life, she is unexpectedly given the chance to reconnect with Mick while chaperoning her fledgling rock star teenagers on a tour across America.

To Annie, this opportunity to recapture her past is a dream come true. But will she and Mick be able to pick up where they left off? From

It's Monday! What are you reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey.


  1. I support reading Robin Slick's humorous tale. Great fun!

  2. Neither of these books are genres I typically read, so I am afraid my help would be quite uniformed. I am sure you will chose the best book for you this week.
    My Monday:

  3. Immortal is a great book, one of my all-time favorites. So that would be my vote.

  4. My vote for what you should read next:
    Daddy Left Me Alone with God. Its brilliance is disguised as a comic romp with insights about rock music, passion and old loves, and how our memories of what we can't have can play havoc on what we already have. I love this writer and this novel.

  5. Not sure I'd personally read either one of these, but if I had to pick one I'd go with Daddy Left Me Alone with God.

  6. Oooh it's an #IBE11 head to head! I read and loved Immortal... so he gets my vote!

  7. I try to pick different books to analyze writing styles. I read Daddy Left Me Alone with God in one sitting because it drew me in and I had to see how it ended.

  8. Immortal was one of the only books that I sat down and read cover to cover in one sitting. It sucked me in so hard and wouldn't let me go till the last page was turned. GO WITH IMMORTAL!!!

  9. IMMORTAL should be your choice. My husband NEVER reads and he read this in a week! I loved it also!

  10. Immortal FTW - such a fun read.

  11. Immortal! I've read this twice and really enjoyed it. There are characters in this that I loved and wanted more of. This book is a lot of fun and is hard to put down.

  12. I liked Daddy Left Me Alone With God. Definitely worth a read.

