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September 1, 2012

Learn about yourself: Attached

Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller
paperback, 273 pages
Published January 2012 by Tarcher
ISBN13: 9781585429134
Read July - August 2012
Goodreads, IndieBound, Amazon

I won Attached through a Goodreads giveaway in February. I was reading Going Single (read my review) at the time and decided I needed to take a break before I read a relationship book. The length of time it took me to read it does not truly reflect how easy of a read the book is (I just had a few books take priority and had to put it aside a couple of times). 

For a psychology book written by academics, it is a truly accessible read and in a lot of ways enjoyable (it's a touchy subject for me so I did cry quite a bit). In the beginning, it reminded me of The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. If you are looking for a book where you can learn about yourself and how to interact with people, I recommend you read Attached

It is not a book just for those looking for love. Actually, I felt the extended title was a bit misleading. The book focused much more on people who are in a relationship (the "keep" love part of the title is accurate). As one who is not in an intimate relationship, I'm not really even dating, I found parts of the book difficult to apply to my situation. 

The opening chapters were great in helping you identify your attachment style and for those wanting a more indepth analysis their is a link to  a large questionnaire. I might go back and take the suggested questionnaire, but just the descriptions and short survey in the opening was enough to identify my attachment style.

I recommend reading this book in large chunks and not as spaced out as I did. I became slightly depressed and a felt a bit hopeless towards the middle of the book. I had identified my style and could see the effects it was having in my life, but I did not have the tools to deal with it. The end chapters give you the tools and I did feel better when I finished the book.

If you feel like there is conflict in your relationship or just like to learn more about yourself, I recommend picking up a copy of Attached

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  1. I'm not a fan of relationship books generally speaking. But the idea of figuring out my attachment style sounds useful.

    -Kate the Book Buff
    Recent Post: Good Golly Miss Molly! Review: When It Happens to You by Molly Ringwald

    1. It wasn't like the typical relationship book. It was about understanding your needs, how you "see" and react to certain situtations and how someone with another style would see and react. In the end, the focus is on effective communication.

  2. This sounds very similar to a book I've been meaning to read called the five love languages. The five it highlights are physical touch, quality time, service, words of affirmation, and gifts. It's about which of the 5 you respond to best.

    1. In writing style it did remind my a lot of the 5 Love Languages book.

