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August 31, 2012

More Fun for Friday!

I received the following email from one of my favorite authors, J. B. Lynn, and she wants you to join in the celebration for the upcoming release of the second book in the Slightly Neurotic series.


As I gear up for the release of FURTHER CONFESSIONS OF A SLIGHTLY NEUROTIC HITWOMAN, I thought it might be fun to spill some Slightly Neurotic Confessions of our own.

I’m collecting things people are neurotic about and will be posting them all over social media starting next month. They can be about you, your characters, people you see on the street, or your favorite neurotic characters.

The format will be something like this:

Author JB Lynn, author of FURTHER CONFESSIONS OF A SLIGHTLY NEUROTIC HITWOMAN, won’t eat breakfast sausage unless she can drown it in pancake syrup first.  Do you think she’s slightly neurotic?

Godzilla (character from CONFESSIONS OF A SLIGHTLY NEUROTIC HITWOMAN) is a picky eater. He refuses to eat anything other than live crickets. Is he slightly neurotic?

Just saw a guy salting every forkful of his food. I think he might be slightly neurotic! (Courtesy of suspense writer JB Lynn

My favorite slightly neurotic character of all time is Melvin Udall (played by Jack Nicholson) in AS GOOD AS IT GETS. (Courtesy of JB Lynn author of THE FIRST VICTIM. Available from fine e-book  retailers everywhere

Please send what YOU are slightly neurotic about to:
Send as many as you'd like!
Don’t forget to include how you’d like to be identified (or if you don’t want to be identified) and an address people can click thru to find out more about you!

Thanks for your help! Hopefully we’ll both get to meet new people through this!

PS – Please feel free to share this with anyone you think might want to play along!

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  1. Thanks for sharing this!

    I'm really excited about this idea and the book launch!

