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by Donna Huber For the A to Z Challenge, I discussed different book genres/categories. Each day, I gave a few details about the genre/catego...

May 29, 2014

Day 4: #ArmchairBEA Giveaway Day and Beyond the Borders

It's GIVEAWAY Day! I have TWO giveaways for you today. One is for US and Canada Only. I have a couple of ARCs that were sent unsolicited to me and I'm not going to read them. I thought what I better way to share the love than to give them away to an Armchair BEA blogger. The other giveaway is open internationally and offers a couple of paperbacks and several ebooks - a big THANK YOU to the authors who donated the ebooks. Be sure to scroll down to get to the second Rafflecopter and to check out my Beyond the Border books.

Also, if you are quick there is a bit of time left on the Fierce Reads giveaway where you could win 1 of 4 signed books (US only).

For US/Canada Bloggers:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

International Giveaway (Everyone can enter!):

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Beyond the Borders

Since I know you are busy filling out all the giveaway forms, I'll keep this part short and just give you a list of some books that have taken me "beyond my borders" in either location or time.

A Life Apart by L. Y. Marlow (read my review) - This one took me to the past and brought me forward through time, giving me the chance to walk in someone else's shoes during some pivotal historical moments.

Mistaken Enemy by Dennis A. Nehamen (read my review) - It took me to the Middle East to look at the Isreali-Palestinian conflict with a fictional story.

Coiled Snake by Katie Robison (read my review) - The sequel to Downburst is a great look at Australian aboriginal tribes as well as other native cultures.

Knightley and Son by Rohan Gavin (read my review) - The streets of London is the perfect back drop for this middle grades paranormal detective story that features a father/son team.

The Time-Traveling Fashionista by Bianca Turetsky (read my review) - A middle grades series that pairs vintage clothing with tales from history.

I'm currently reading an English translation of the French novel The Paris Lawyer by Sylvie Granotier.

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  1. What a generous giveaway! Thank you. I love your list of recommendations, too. The Time Traveling Fashionista sounds like a fun read. I'm adding it to my TBR!

    Kristen @ Pretty Little Pages

  2. Great list of diversity titles. Knightley and Son might be a fun one to slip into all of my British reading this year in advance of my first trip to London.

    Joy's Book Blog

  3. Thanks for the offer. So much to add to my TBR list!

  4. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. Do check out mine!

  5. What's your view of the Sylvie Granotier novel so far? I'd like to read some more french contemporary fiction

  6. I enjoyed Granotier's title - read it earlier this year... I've got some new Aussie authors that I didn't know before - ty!

  7. Not familiar with The Time Travelling Fashionista. Will check it out. Another great middle grade that shows diversity is Words in the Dust by Trent Reedy...your list reminded me of it and The Breadwinner series by Deborah Ellis is another. Thanks for the giveaway and the book suggestions!

