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May 5, 2015

Review: Slumber by Christy Sloat

by Donna Huber


"They say if you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true..." Sleeping Beauty
"I had a dream last night," she said as she peered out of the window. The day was dark and dreary like most days. The doctor sighed and pulled out a journal. He seemed particularly annoyed today.

The Review

I absolutely fell in love with this cover. I thought it was beautiful and perfect for a retelling of Sleeping Beauty. I really was hoping for an equally beautiful fairy tale.

I loved the opening. Rory (Aurora) is locked away in an asylum for the criminally insane. She savagely murdered her boyfriend Philip, however, she has no memory of it. Actually she has no memory of anything before arriving at the asylum.

A great opening, right? Unfortunately the story did not follow-through. Slumber read more like a piece of fan fiction rather than a published novel. In a way I guess it is fan fiction, and perhaps for readers that are more familiar with the Sleeping Beauty fandom and mythos would enjoy the story more.

I thought more time could have been spent on character development. I felt like I was just getting to know the character when the action was thrown at me. And even then there were problems with the way the plot played out. It was really rushed and it felt like we were headed one direction only to be jerked in another.

For a seasoned author, I thought too many amateur mistakes were made. I never could tell who the audience was meant to be. Was it a clean romance meant for adults or fantasy novel for young adults. The writing level seemed too basic at times for adults, but it wasn't fully young adult in content.

I also found myself saying in my head, "Christy be bold in your writing!" On several occasions it seemed as though the story could have gone darker, yet, Sloat would abruptly pull back (again confusing me as to whether it was meant for adults or young adults). I think exploring some of the darker undertones of the plot would have enhanced the story, gave it more meat.

I've always heard wonderful things about Christy Sloat's writing and I'm disappointed that my first sampling didn't live up to expectations. My book club is reading her The Brown House and I'm hoping for a better experience.

Buy Slumber at Amazon

Book info:
available formats: ebook and print (234 pages)
published: March 2015 by Anchor Group Publishing
ISBN13: 978-0692393819
genres: fairy tale, fantasy
source: Author
read: April 2015

A free ebook was provided for this review. Girl Who Reads is an Amazon advertising associate; a small commission is earned when purchases are made at Amazon through the above link. Thank you for supporting this blog.


  1. Oh, too bad. I think a well-done modern retelling of Sleeping Beauty might be fun.

  2. Sometimes books that look promising fall flat...I can't tell you how many times that has happened to me. But we move on. Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW”

  3. You're right -- that is a lovely cover -- but what a disappointment that the book didn't measure up.
    My Tuesday post features ELIZABETH’S LANDING.

  4. That's a shame the story didn't live up to the premise because the asylum and killing Phillip? Wow, that sounds like an interesting way to turn the story on it's ear.

  5. Sorry the book didn't suit, but I agree that a Sleeping Beauty tale set in an insane asylum sounds quite interesting. Maybe next week's book will be better. :-)

  6. Oh, so disappointing😼 don't think this would work for me.

  7. I love a good fairytale retelling...too bad this one didn't fit the bill.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. What a shame the story didn't hold up to the first line... I hope your next book is a better fit for you. Thanks for visiting my Tuesday post

