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Z is for Zombie Fiction #AtoZChallenge

by Donna Huber For the A to Z Challenge, I'm discussing different book genres/categories. Each day, I will give a few details about the ...

January 17, 2016

Happy 5th Blogiversary #Giveaway

Can you believe it has been 5 years since I joined the book blogging community with this review. Back then I thought it would be great if I posted 1 review a week. Then I got into hosting authors with interviews and guest posts. Soon I was posting new content 4 - 7 days a week. And that's when I started to think about adding a reviewer or a regular contributor.

Now, we have 5 regular contributors and 5 reviewers (counting me) who provide new bookish content every day of the week.

Also, this past summer we surpassed 1 million viewers. I was pretty excited about that. I love my readers! And to celebrate our 5 years together, I'm putting together a mystery box of bookish delight!

There will be some fun bookish thing-a-bobs as well as a book or two. If you leave a comment with your favorite genre(s) and you win, I will try my hardest to put a book in the box that matches your preference.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I really like memoirs (historical or travel.)

    But I think you meant for fiction, my fav genre there is historical.

  2. Congratulations on five years! My favorite genre is historical romance, but I'm not picky. Any historical or romance will do.

  3. ...and I really love all genres, but steampunk and fantasy really rock my world.

  4. Contemporary romance, young adult, new adult.

    ~ KateS on rafflecopter

  5. Contemporary romance, young adult, new adult.

    ~ KateS on rafflecopter

