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January 15, 2018

Review: The Promise Between Us by Barbara Claypole White

by Susan Roberts

Society would have us believe that any woman who left her baby for ANY reason must be a terrible mother. This novel delves deep into the issue of a mother with HARM OCD who left her baby to protect her. It shows the true love of motherhood and family set against the problems that are caused by OCD in any form.
Amazon affiliate links are used on this site. A free book was provided for an honest review.

The Promise Between Us
January 2018; Lake Union Publishing
audio, ebook, print (384 pages)
women's fiction
Katie is a metal artist who left her infant daughter behind nine years earlier because she was afraid that she would harm her. As she learns more about her illness and how to develop coping skills to fight her OCD thoughts, she understands why she felt the need to leave but she had promised her husband Cal that she would give up her parental rights to Maisie. When she meets Maisie by accident at a museum program for kids, she realizes that Maisie also exhibits signs of OCD and wants to do what she can to help her. Will she be able to help Maisie without totally falling back into the chasm that OCD created in her life.

Barbara describes her writing as 'Hopeful family drama with a healthy dose of mental illness'. Her new novel gives her readers all that and more. She has created wonderful real characters with all of their flaws - people that we all know in our everyday lives. This is a book that will make you laugh out loud and will make you cry as you struggle through life with Katie and Cal and the others. One character was my favorite - a brave little girl named Maisie who was struggling with her OCD and all of the other changes her life. She is so serious about life but so funny and real that I just wanted to hug her.

I have enjoyed all of Barbara's books but this is my new favorite. It has characters that I won't soon forget, a fantastic plot that keeps you turning the pages and a wealth of knowledge of OCD and how it affects the person with the illness as well as their family and friends. It's a story of love and family and most of all forgiveness and redemption.

Buy The Promise Between Us at Amazon

Other Books by Barbara Claypole White
The Unfinished Garden
The In-Between Hour
The Perfect Son
Echoes of Family - Read my review.

Susan Roberts lives in North Carolina when she isn't traveling. She and her husband enjoy traveling, gardening and spending time with their family and friends. She reads almost anything (and the piles of books in her house prove that) but her favorite genres are Southern fiction, women's fiction, and thrillers. Susan is a top 1% Goodreads Reviewer. You can connect with Susan on FacebookGoodreads,  or Twitter

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