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September 20, 2018

Save the Date by Morgan Matson ~ an @Audible_com Review

by Donna Huber

After reading Never Let Me Go and The Woodcutter, I wanted some light frivolity and the young adult novel Save the Date seemed just the right book. And indeed it was the fun read (er...listen) that I was looking for.
Amazon affiliate links are used on this site. A free audiobook was provided by Audible for an honest review.

Save the Date
June 2018; Audible Studios
ebook, print, audio (13 hrs 31 mins)
young adult, humor
Charlie's older sister is getting married and the whole family will be under one roof for the weekend. Charlie is the youngest and there is nothing she loves more than having all her siblings at home. She's going off to college in the fall and this may be the last chance for a big Grant family weekend. And what a big weekend it is. Not only is her sister getting married, but the whole family is being featured on Good Morning America. Charlie's mother is the artist behind the very popular comic strip Grant Central Station and it is ending its successful run this weekend.

As with most family reunions, there are plenty of laughs as well as a few frayed nerves and some tears. Everything seems to be going wrong for the wedding and Charlie steps in to save the day. I think at first it might have been Charlie's choice, but as things continue to fall apart it seems that the family relies overly much on this high school senior.

Save the Date is a heart-warming story about growing up and what it means to be family. If you have a teen struggling with changes that are occurring in their life, then maybe they can learn along with Charlie that while some things change, the really important things, like the love of family, remains the same.

The audiobook was well done and the story was easy to follow with a divided attention. It is one of the longer audiobooks that I've listened to in a while, but it felt like the story went by quickly.

Buy Save the Date at Amazon
or get it free as part of your free Audible trial

Donna Huber is an avid reader and natural encourager. She is the founder of Girl Who Reads and the author of how-to marketing book Secrets to a Successful Blog Tour.

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  1. It sounds to me like Save the Date would be exactly what I want from a wedding book or one with changing family circumstances. I do get distracted from audiobooks easily, so it's nice to know that it will probably hold my interest.

