Readers' Favorite

July 2, 2011

What you may have missed

It's the weekend! Are you looking for a good book to read? I know with summer life gets even busier and you might have missed my blog updates (and who has time to go through the backlog of a blog roll?).  Here is a run down of what was posted this week on Girl Who Reads. I also did my monthly wrap up in a newsletter that went out to subscribers this week. You can view it here and subscribe with the button on the side bar.


In my June Mailbox

I listed all the books the I received during the month of June. I didn't realize how long my list of ebooks had gotten until then. A few notable items included the Alice in Wonderland tea party kit and the ARC I won at Armchair BEA of Boyfriend from Hell.


Water for Elephants: A Novel
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

I had to wait quite a while to get the audio version from the Digital Download Library, but it was so worth the wait. I think listening to the story made the book come to life. If you have thought about trying out audio books, I recommend you start with this one.


Throwaway by Heather Huffman 

This book could have become melodramatic or graphic, but Heather Huffman was able to strike the perfect balance while shedding light on modern day slavery. It read more like someone's biography rather than a fictional tale. It increased my empathy for the girls that find themselves in such a situation and reminded me not everyone is there by choice.


 Book Blog Hop

I joined in on the discussion on why I keep reading a book or why I stop reading a book. Characters are an important deciding factor for me and many other bloggers agreed.


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