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April 4, 2013

Create Content with Challenges

I'm continuing with my mini-series on content creation. This is probably the last one, unless I think of something else. Coming up with topics to write about it a difficult task. Particularly if you rely mostly on reviews and you are in a reading slump, or if you have been blogging for a while. Prompts can be your best friend when who hit the bottom of the content barrel.

Challenges, BlogFlashes, and Memes abound in the blogging world and can be a wonderful source of inspiration. A short prompt or graphic can set your mind thinking in directions it hasn't gone before. Some of these are ongoing events, while others happen once a year. Even if the event has past you can still use the prompts to create your own posts, you just won't have the extra benefit of linking up with the others as part of the event.

A-Z Blogging Challenge (going on NOW) - Each day you write a post based on the letter of the day. It can be time intensive if you are not use to blogging 6 days a week. Today is day 4 of the challenge so it's the letter D.

#BlogFlash - this occurred in March, but as it's a Facebook page I suspect there will be future events in the months to come.

Photo-a-Day - If you are wanting to create content without writing so much try this challenge from Fat Mum Slim. Each day has a prompt for you to take a picture of. It's great if you are wanting to get more involved with Instagram or maybe increase your photo gallery.

Saturday Snapshot - a weekly meme to share a picture or two or three. It's hosted by At Home with Books and each week a linky is posted for you to link up with other participating blogs.

A word of caution - depending on the focus of your blog, photo challenges can lead you off focus. If you want to make your blog solely about books, you can still do that with photos (books you got in the mail, bookstore visits, etc.).

Top Ten Tuesdays - this is hosted by a book blogger and there's a new topic each week.

Waiting on Wednesday - another bookish meme. You can just post the cover of the book you are anxiously waiting for. Great for when you don't have time to write up a whole post.

If you want more information on memes, check out this post I wrote last year.

For some reading challenges that might help you get out of your slump, check out these.

Where are you Reading - Try to read a book set in or about each of the 50 states (or each European country, etc) in 2013.

2013 Audio Book Challenge - When I'm super busy often the only reading I get done is audio books. This challenge is also great for those have been thinking of getting into audio books - great recommendations from die-hard audio readers.

7 Continents, 7 Billion People, 7 Books Challenge - This is a super cool challenge, particularly if you are wanting to read international literature. The challenge is broken down even further with sub-categories, such as 7 countries with the most population. There's some helpful lists to assist you with locating literature that fits each of the 7 categories.

There you have it, if you need inspiration for content creation then check out some of these challenges. You don't have to follow the event to get ideas for posts.

What challenges, memes, blogflashes do you participate in? Where do you find inspiration for content when you are drawing a blank?

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  1. I do love that memes can help inspire me when I'm in a creative funk. However, I know that I'm REALLY in a funk when I'm doing too many memes (which, for me, is more than 1-2 a week). I like to do as much original content as possible, and even though my contribution to the meme is my original thoughts, the meme itself does not feel original to me. So I try to use them as occasional guides rather than constant posts, kwim? I know other bloggers feel differently on this subject though.

    Beyond memes, when I finish a book, I try to think about the general themes/issues I liked/disliked while reading. For example, was a particular character not clicking for me? Why? What do I look for in an intriguing character? Stuff like that can get my wheels going for posts.

  2. I agree about too many memes on a blog. I find it boring if everyday is just another meme. It can be a great for filler content but shouldn't be the main focus of a blog.

