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by Donna Huber For the A to Z Challenge, I discussed different book genres/categories. Each day, I gave a few details about the genre/catego...

May 29, 2013

Donna Huber: A Weekend Writer

Welcome to the Armchair BEA edition of Writer Wednesday. Today's topic is Blogger Development. I thought I would share what my blog has developed into. And since BEA is about revealing upcoming titles, I'm giving bloggers at home an opportunity to share in the excitement of revealing a new project.

At the beginning of May, I decided to write a book. So on Saturday, May 4 I sat down and started writing. By Sunday night I had around 10,000 words and finished the first draft. The book was never meant to be long. It's a how-to manual for authors.

You may be wondering how a person can write an entire, although short, book in a weekend. I'll be honest I've been working on the content for perhaps the past year. Each week I post tips for authors and bloggers. I have amassed quite a bit of information over the past year or so since starting the Tips on Thursday. However, it isn't well organized and can be difficult for someone looking for a specific piece of advice.

Probably a year ago, a group of bloggers and authors encouraged me to put my tips posts in book form. And six months ago, I did start working on that, but quickly became overwhelmed with the amount of information I had and how to make it all flow together.

Therefore, at the beginning of the month I decided to try a mini-book - a book that I could write on the weekends and finish within about a month. One of my more popular and often requested topics is on organizing blog tours. Funny enough that post was inspired by an Armchair BEA topic. Using that post as the basis, I pulled together 5 or 6 other posts I've done on similar topics that would be useful to authors planning a tour and filled in the gaps with real life examples from tours that I've organized or participated in.

The result, Secrets to a Successful Blog Tour. A number of my author and blogging friends are helping me unveil the project today with a cover reveal: J. B. Lynn at Killer Chicks, Kriss of Cabin Goddess, Tami of Bookish Temptations, Karen Pokras Toz (there are more, but this will give a sampling of what others are saying).

When I started my blog two years ago, I didn't know if I would still be blogging six months later let alone ever write a book based on my blog.  There's a reason why I chose Girl Who Reads as my online persona. In a couple of weeks when the book is available in ebook format, I might have to reconsider my title. Nah. I'll always be Girl Who Reads.... who spends her weekends writing.

Buy Secrets to a Successful Blog Tour at Amazon
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  1. Congrats on your release, Donna! You've always done an amazing job for me and I appreciate all your hard work!

  2. Congratulations! You are such a busy girl! Looking forward to what you have in store next.

    1. Thanks! Can you believe that this is in part a result of our BookBlogHelp chats on Twitter?

    2. That is so awesome. It's too bad that sort of died out.

  3. I'm so excited for you Donna! Your Tips on Thursdays are awesome (and I really need to start putting them into practice) and I know you have great information for authors too.

    Kriss did a great job with the cover. It looks fab!

  4. Excitement! I have a pitching book bloggers thing up on my site also from a tour/ageny, and it's still getting downloaded after a few years. Definitely think that this is something that is needed in the marketplace.

  5. well done!
    and thanks for the Infuse blog visit today :)

  6. Congratulations Donna! I wish you every success with your new release.

