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June 4, 2013

Review: Wellesley Wives

June is a big travel month here in the US and I thought it might be fun to feature books that will take you to new destinations even if you aren't leaving home this summer.

First up is a trip to Ireland with Wellesley Wives by Suzy Duffy. You may remember Suzy's visit to Girl Who Reads back in October. You will find a few similarities between Suzy and the main character Popsy.

Wellesley Wives reminded me a lot of when I read Monarch Beach by Anita Hughes. If you read my review of Monarch Beach last summer, you may remember I had some difficulty getting into the story. I had the same problem with Wellesly Wives. I don't think I like reading stories about the rich. Or at least those in the Women's Fiction genre.

I couldn't connect with the characters or feel much sympathy for their troubles. I think I had the most sympathy for Popsy's husband and he's not in the story long. I cared a little bit about Popsy as she didn't really have much control of the events occurring in her life.  However, I wouldn't be friends with her. She would get on my nerves. Does she care about anything but the superficial? Sure, there was some references to her love for her children, but she didn't seem to take the time to have more than a surface relationship with them.

Speaking of her children... Rosie needs to learn to speak up for herself with her husband and Lily needs to grow up. Rosie seems to be a bit down to earth and I might have liked her, if she hadn't just went along with her husbands stupid idea and then make an even stupider decision to become emotionally involved with another man.

I thought the story started too slowly. I really didn't get into it until they reached Ireland. For the first time, the ladies are doing menial tasks - cleaning and cooking and serving. They also seem to develop some real relationships. If it hadn't been for the trip, I probably wouldn't have finished the novel.

Characters are a big part for whether I like a story or not and the characters just didn't do it for me.

There were some cute moments and in some ways reminded me of Mona Lisa Smile (I really liked the movie)If you can get past the fakeness and self-involvement of the rich, it is a good story about finding yourself while your world is falling down around your ears.

Buy the book Amazon!

Book Info: ebook, published September 2012 by The Writer's Coffee Shop, ISBN13: 9781612131092
Source: publicist
Read: April 2013

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