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August 26, 2013

Interview with Diane Adams Taylor

What is the working title of your book?

Circles in Time is my first published book. It came out in May 2012 and was published by Tate Publishing. I am currently working on the final edits of my manuscript called The Healer of Wounded Souls. The new work should be out in publication sometime in 2013.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

In my work Circles in Time I used some of my own experiences from living through an abusive marriage. I enhanced this story by threading the topic of reincarnation throughout the novel.

In my new work The Healer of Wounded Souls, I created new characters but kept a spiritual bent in healing wounded warriors. It is  more of a thriller as the heroine, Hope is pursued for her ability to heal.

What genre does your book fall under?

Circles in Time is considered religious fiction but I believe it is more spiritual in nature. It might also be found under  women’s fiction.

The Healer of Wounded Souls is fiction but also a suspense novel with some spirituality included.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

In Circles in Time, I could see Nicole Kidman or Julianne Moore as the heroine, Faith. Both of those actresses have a touch of naiveté but have some life experiences to enhance the role. I am not quite sure who would be appropriate to play Jake.

In The Healer of Wounded Souls, I could see Anne Hathaway playing the heroine, Hope. I think she brings some innocence to the role whereas  I think Pierce Brosnan would be excellent as Nick Logan.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

In Circles in Time, the heroine, Faith struggles with her abusive marriage to a man who she finds out has been abusing her for centuries.
In The Healer of Wounded Souls, the heroine, Hope is charged with healing as many wounded warriors as she can before terrorists manage to stop her.  

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

My book, Circles in Time, is represented by Tate Publishing.

My new book, The Healer of Wounded Souls, is being published by Bush Publishing Company.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I wrote the first draft of Circles in Time in about six months but the editor had me make some changes to the original first draft (I had to shorten it from 115,000 words to 75,000 words). From first manuscript to final edit, it was nearly a year.

I worked on the first draft of The Healer of Wounded Souls for about six months as well. The re-writes have taken me an additional few months and I continually work to refine it. 

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Circles in Time has a prevalent theme of reincarnation throughout the story of an abusive marriage. I am not able to find similar stories.

The Healer of Wounded Souls has a theme of healing wounded warriors. The terrorists go after the heroine and hunt her down as they disapprove of her actions. Again I did not find a similar work of fiction to compare this work to others in the same genre but the closest might be a thriller like the Jason Bourne books.

Who or What inspired you to write this book?

Circles in Time was inspired by some actual events which occurred. I needed to release some of these negative experiences in order to heal myself, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The Healer of Wounded Souls was inspired by a news story which told of a doctor healing people through prayer. The many wounded warriors returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan also struck a chord with me.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

I write to educate, to inform, to heal and to provide inspiration to others. Included in my work are words of wisdom to help each and every individual to live a better life with more purpose. My novels do not always have the perfect story-book ending but then again they are more true to life.

Where might we find your books?

Circles in Time is available at, Barnes &, Tate and my website  You can find the Kindle version as well as the Nook version available at those sites.

The Healer of Wounded Souls will be available in September 2013.

About the Author:
Diane Adams Taylor is a retired educator with over thirty-two years in the field.  She was a teacher, special education coordinator as well as a district level school administrator.  She has given seminars to thousands of educators in the areas of special education, behavior management and grant writing.  Diane taught as an adjunct faculty member in special education and behavior management at the university level for over a decade.
Diane is now working in her second career as a writer, author and lecturer.  She had her first novel, Circles in Time published by Tate Publishing in May 2012.  Her second novel The Healer of Wounded Souls is expected to be released late fall 2013.  She writes for two on-line publications; one specifically on special education topics and the second as a contributor of short stories. Diane continues to write novels and she is currently working on two new manuscripts as well as a series of children’s books.
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