I really wanted to like For Love of Livvy by J. M. Griffin. It had a quirky heroine and crazy mystery, but I think I've read too many books in recent time with similar themes to not find it slightly boring. The main character, Vinnie, did grow on me and I would try another book in the series (after taking a little break).
Lavinia, aka Vinnie, is a professor of criminal justice and is spending the summer tying up the lose ends following the death of her favorite aunt Livvy. A mysterious package of jewels, unknown cause of death, throw in two handsome fellas and Vinnie can't help but find herself in the middle of the investigation.
I thought For Love of Livvy had a lot of potential, unfortunately it missed the mark and never fullfilled the potential. In one word I found it lacking.
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I think For Love of Livvy was suppose to be a comedy. Outside of a rather lame attempt at some slapstick comedy involving a can of paint, the story missed the mark on humor (though there are a few mildly amusing scenes). The tension of the mystery was also lacking. I think the author was trying to have Vinnie be some kind of amateur sleuth. Yet, outside a trip to the gift shops there was little sleuthing. If a love triangle was suppose to occur it failed. I didn't even feel any chemistry between Vinnie and the Trooper.
I spent most of the book waiting for the story to happen and when I got to the last bit I realized that was all there was to the story. It felt like the author was being too tentative with the story and kept too much to the surface. Like I said, I would be willing to try another book in the series to see if it really is the writing or just over-exposure to the genre.
~Book Info~
Published October 2009 by Lachesis Publishing
ebook (free) & paperback (248 pages)
ISBN13: 9781897562451
Source: B&N
Read: October 2013
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