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December 12, 2013

Get Twitter Insights with

Social media can be very time consuming and sometimes confusing. Every user wants an easy way to manage their accounts most effectively. I've recently been checking out to help manage my Twitter account.

One of the big questions Twitter users have is who to unfollow. This question often comes up when they are approaching the 2,000 following mark (Twitter has some limits to help eliminate spammers and keep their site running smoothly. See their Following Best Practices for more info). I use both and Who.Unfollowed.Me. Manageflitter provides info about who's not following you back, inactive accounts, fake accounts, and users that are "eggs". Who Unfollowed Me lets me quickly see who has recently unfollowed me and if I'm following them I can decide whether to continue or not. However, no priority or information about their engagement is provided. prioritizes those who do not follow you. It shows how many people are following them and if they have engaged with you (retweeted, mentioned, or replied). provides you with more insight than just who to unfollow. They also recommend who to follow. These are people who are highly engaged as well as have great influence within your network. Again, the list is prioritized by influence and engagement.

I get a ton of emails daily, particularly during a giveaway, about new followers. Do I want to follow all of them back? If they are only following me for a contest, probably not. will give you a list of recent followers, showing how many followers they have as well as the number of times they have engaged with you. Another cool feature is the generated tweet about who are your top new followers. This tweet can provide an opportunity to engage with your followers, start a conversation. People like recognition.

Another feature I have found useful is the "consider to reply". Do you participate in busy twitter chats? I was the special guest for one and though I tried my best to reply to everyone, tweets were flying. The next day I checked my mentions, but because I am part of Triberr some days I get a bunch of mentions. I went to and looked at the list and sure enough there was a tweet I missed that asked about the services I offered. Haven't tweeted with someone in a while - will recommend who you should re-engage with.

There are a number of other features. Oh and it's free (there are some limits, and of course, a paid option). They all give you important insight into your use, followers, and following on Twitter.

As I mentioned a moment ago, people like recognition. will generate a tweet about who are your top supporters, top engagers, and top influencers each week. It is another great to engage with your followers. When the tweet goes out on my account it is almost always retweeted, favorited, or replied to, which in turns increases my influence.

As the saying goes: work smarter, not harder. To that end, I recommend I check the site once every week or two.

Donna Huber is an avid reader and natural encourager. She is the blogger behind Girl Who Reads and author of the how-to manual Secrets to a Successful Blog Tour.

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  1. Thanks for this info! I know I've seen it mentioned on Twitter but didn't really know anything about what it was or how it worked. Now I'll be checking it out.

    1. It has been pretty cool and I feel like I've just scratched the surfaces of what can be done with it.

  2. Thanks for another great post, Donna! I've never even heard of!

