Readers' Favorite

June 23, 2014

Meet Sandra Love

by Heather Kirchhoff

What made you decide to start writing? Was this something you always thought you’d do?

I was reading a book last year, Bitter Fruits by Sarah Daltry and I said hey I want to do this. So I talked to my now Editor Genevieve and she told me to do it. So I laid in bed at night and the idea for Broken popped into my head. I always wanted to write a book, but I was too hard on myself. I am so glad I decided to write I love doing it

How do you come up with your characters or story ideas?

For my Broken Wings Series, at the time I was writing it I was getting bullied online and I wanted to write about a girl being bullied. But as I was writing, I wanted it to be different so my love for paranormal came into play. So I decided to incorporate falling angels, angels and witches. I love angels and witches so I wanted to do a different spin on them. For the main character Cordelia, I’ve always loved that name so that is why I chose that name.

How do you get inspired to write?

Indie authors inspired me. I love and support them all and I wanted to work alongside them. And my friends on Facebook have inspired me also

What do you do while having writer's block?

I usually take a break, watch T.V. or maybe read. I try not to force writing when I have writer's block.

What kind of stories do you write?

Broken Hearts
The Broken Wings Series is a YA Paranormal, To Love Again (Repaired Hearts) is a New Adult Romance. So I write YA, Paranormal, and New Adult Romance.

Who’s your favorite author(s)?

Genevieve Scholl, Heather Kirchoff, Julia Mills, EJ Shortall, Maryann Jordan, Jen Andrews, Sandra Shrewsbury, ML Steinbrunn, Andrea Michelle, LL Collins, A.d. Ellis, Andie Long, Samantha Jacobey, Dina Redmond, Kristine Raymond, Aleya Michelle, Michelle Abbott, Krissy V, Chelle Craze, Cindy Smith, , Joan Duszynski, Caissy Boudreau, Sarah Robinson, Sarah Elizabeth, S. Moose, T.H. Snyder, CM Wright, Kelly Erickson, AR Von, L. Chapman, Andrea Wood, Becca Vincenza, Vanessa Marie, Kate Benson, Komali da Silva, , Victoria Brock, EJ Shortall, , Chelle C Craze, Neil Orr, Julia Mills, Darlene Kuncytes, Sandra Shrewsbury, Samantha Long, Sarah Elizabeth, Renea Portor, , LU Ann, Kelly Elliott, Rachel Van Dyken, Jennifer Benson, Krissy V, Danielle Wright, Jacqui Melville, Jennifer Ryder, Susan Arden, Melissa Collins, Melissa Mayberry, Trista Jaszczak, Rain Murphy, Margaret Taylor, and so many

Buy Broken Hearts: Kaleigh's Revenge at Amazon

How long have you been writing?

I started to write last summer and just been writing ever since. I love writing it is a stress reliever. lol

What are your stories about? 

I just have the 3 books out right now. But I am working on a new book.

What are you currently working on? 

It is called Summer in Dallas. It is a YA Romance book. I am just a little into it but I do have a release date!! August 2nd 2014!!!

What do you do when not writing? 

I hang out with my family, or play with my cats, read, or even watch TV. I also love to walk. I am trying to walk 2 miles a day. J I also talk to my readers and fans. I love them so much.

Connect with Sandra Love on Facebook,  Goodreads, Pinterest, Twitter, Blog

Heather Kirchhoff lives in a small town in Missouri. She became a bookworm back in sixth grade when her teacher suggested the Phantom Stallion series by Terri Farley and instantly fell in love. She loves reading paranormal stories, plus some love ones here and there. Writing is her passion-it helps her escape the world for a while, as well as reading-she doesn’t know what she’d do without it. She just loves it. When she isn’t writing, Heather is doing odd jobs, reading, taking walks, or spending time with her boyfriend and animals/family. Richelle Mead, Alyson Noel, and Stephenie Meyer inspired her to write. Connect with Heather on Facebook and Twitter.

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