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November 10, 2014

Night Watch by Linda Hall (@writerhall)

Throughout the month of November, Girl Who Reads will feature books from authors who are participating in National Novel Writing Month. These authors are attempting to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.

About the Book

Night Watch
Desolate Maine shores... Murder... And peace slipping away on the outgoing tide...

For yacht delivery captain, Em Ridge, having a billionaire's daughter go overboard on her first captaining job is not a good beginning. The sailboat is new, state of the art, her crew on this trip include two close sailing friends. But an unknown fourth, who can't even tie a bowline, and the unruly owner's daughter turn the idyllic trip into an adventure not wanted.

Two years ago Em buried her husband, her soulmate, her sailing buddy, and with him buried a secret. As hours on the open seas slide by, secrets are resurrected that tie Em's past to a present, awash with murder and deception.

Will Em's career go overboard? Will the investigating detective help her or hurt her? Any why does the best boat delivery captain on the east coast pull at her heart strings?

The oft foggy coast of Maine holds secrets it does not want to give up, and a lot of bodies can be hidden in The Pine Tree State's largest city.

Buy Night Watch at Amazon

About the Author

Linda Hall
Linda Hall is an author of novels of mystery and romantic suspense. So far she has 18 in print - with more coming. Her mystery series include the Corporal Roger Sheppard mysteries, The Teri Blake-Addison PI thrillers and the Fog Point mysteries, as well as a number of romantic suspenses. Linda grew up near the coast in New Jersey, and it was there that her love of the ocean was nurtured. Most of her novels have something to do with the sea.

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