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December 16, 2020

Stacy Eaton's Hot Holiday Romance: MISTLETOE & COCOA KISSES

by Donna Huber

Tired of Christmas music? Try an audiobook while doing your holiday decorating or baking. Mistletoe & Cocoa Kisses by Stacy Eaton is a hot Hallmark movie in book form.
Amazon affiliate links are used on this site. A free book was provided for an honest review.

Mistletoe & Cocoa Kisses
March 2020; Nitewolf Novels; 978-1539516545
audio (4h38m), ebook, print (154 pages); romance
Mistletoe & Cocoa Kisses
 starts off like your typical Hallmark-esque holiday story. Robin flees the city and her life on a snowy night only to run into car trouble in a small town. On a deserted road and locked out of her car, it looks like this is the end. Fortunately for her, teenager Matt is also making his way home on this lonely road and rushes her home to his single dad. Saving her from hypothermia and frostbite, Chris appears to be Robin's knight in shining author. He has an adorable daughter and a considerate son to boot. It's the perfect life, except Chris has been hurt by too many women to trust this woman won't break his heart (and that of his children), too. That doesn't keep him from enjoying some bedroom fun with Robin, though.

This appeared to be a sweet, holiday romance so I was taken off guard by the overly descriptive sex scenes in chapters 14 and 15. Definitely NSFW. I felt the scenes were unnecessary for the story.

I also had some problems with Chris. His insistence that she stay after knowing her for a day felt like a red flag. At first, I thought he just meant stay around the town and as I don't think she had a real plan as to where she was headed that was marginally less creepy, but then I felt like he meant she needed to stay in his home. The vibe I was getting was "If you have any hopes of a relationship with me then you have to agree to live here in this house with us" - she's known the guy for less than 24 hours! She had also just left her boyfriend and now is jumping into bed with a new guy.  

Without the sex scenes and a little more reasonableness about the whole staying bit and this would have been the perfect holiday story. I really enjoyed Chris's daughter. Narrator Lisa Beacom did a great job sounding like a child. Often little kids either sound babyish or too adult, but Beacom gave a believable performance. At just over 4.5 hours, it's also the perfect audiobook to listen to while doing your holiday decorating and baking.

If you are looking for a more steamy romance for the holidays, Mistletoe & Cocoa Kisses is a great option.

Donna Huber is an avid reader and natural encourager. She is the founder of Girl Who Reads and the author of how-to marketing book Secrets to a Successful Blog Tour.

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