Tildy Sullivan is the middle child in an elite yet fading Manhattan family. Her quiet practicality hides her deep, profound longing for childhood summers in western Ireland. She also carries a secret regret. After her mother’s death, she’s persuaded to abandon Ireland and the love of the local boy, Aiden.
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After a tragedy, Nora Clanton moved back to Rabbittown, Alabama, and took over the family casket business. There are few potential romantic partners there until she meets Garrett Bishop, a logistics coordinator, whose job has long hours, lots of travel, and urgent calls in the middle of the night. Garrett is present when some of Rabbittown’s residents suddenly pass away. It turns out that he's the logistics coordinator for Death. How can she reconcile his job with the potential for love?
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Deep within the hidden library of Los Angeles' iconic poetry venue, Beyond Baroque, all modern electronics mysteriously fail. There, 19-year-old Beatriz encounters Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley, who promises a magical adventure back to 19th-century Europe.
Amazon affiliate links are used on this site. A free book was provided for an honest review.