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February 2, 2016

Addictive Storyline ~ Abandoned Soul by Doug Simpson

review by Claire Rees

Abandoned Souls

Dacque awoke with the standard jolt at the conclusion of his short dream. The clock read 4: 45. “Right on schedule, but that one was certainly an unusual dream,” he said out loud to himself as he tapped on the light on the nightstand. Picking up his trusty notepad and pen, he wrote down his most recent message from the Heavenly Powers. Before you go to bed this evening, make sure you leave one of the back doors of your automobile unlocked. Someone needs your protection.

Dacque is at it again, and this time round is just as interesting and fun as the last time.

In Abandoned Soul, Dacque gets his messages from up above via his dreams. They tell him to leave his car door open the following night and that he will find a young girl inside who is going to need his protection and guidance.

He of course follows the instructions and after him explaining to and persuading the runaway girl to follow him to his apartment he tries to prove to her about the messages and that  he was sent to help her. She is suspicious at first but soon realizes that he is genuine and an amazing person.

Dacque introduces her to all of the important people in his life, Dani, Jane and of course Rosie and her family who help to clothe Mary.

They soon become aware that Mary may be a part of their past lives and is very curious and open to the idea and so they set her on her journey to discovering her past lives to see if she is linked to any of them. What she finds out is shocking.

I have loved all of Doug Simpson's past books and this one was no different. I simply cannot get enough of Dacque and his life both past and present. I find the idea of this past life and reincarnation very interesting and love the way that the souls keep finding each other in all their lives although sometimes in very different ways. Dacque is by far one of my favorite fictional characters.

I recommend Abandoned Soul to all those who love a feel good book with a very addictive storyline.
I'm looking forward to reading book six.

Buy Abandoned Soul at Amazon

Book info:
available formats: ebook and print (176 pages)
published: January 2016 by 5 Prince Publishing and Books
ISBN13: 9781631121401
genre: fantasy

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  1. This does sound interesting and I'm not familiar with the author at all. Thanks for sharing it!

  2. I am also fascinated by the idea of reincarnation. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  3. Sounds interesting. I haven't read any books about reincarnation and past lives, so this would be a fun way to learn more about those beliefs.
    My Tuesday post features GIRL IN HYACINTH BLUE.

  4. I like how the story starts, but I think this might be a little too woo-woo for me. I do hope you enjoy it.

  5. I'm not sure from the intro but, I think I'd read more before deciding. Hope u like it.

  6. That is different! lol Enjoy :) I hope you can stop by:


  7. I'm not sure where I stand on the subject matter for this one but I did like the intro.

