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Reflections on the #AtoZChallenge

by Donna Huber For the A to Z Challenge, I discussed different book genres/categories. Each day, I gave a few details about the genre/catego...

July 8, 2011

Friday Fun

To join in the Follow Friday fun click the image above.

Today's question:

Let's step away from besties... What is the worst book that you've ever read and actually finished?

Heart of DarknessHeart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

I had to read this for my high school senior lit class. I was confused by what was going on most of the time. I'm still not exactly sure what the book is about. My dislike for the book was impacted even more by the fact we had to write 3 one page essays in class (which was only 55 minutes long) and we hadn't even discussed the book in class. We never discussed the book in class. My essays probably sounded like I did not read the book. Most of the class just read the Cliff's Notes for the book and they all aced their essays. Not liking the book (I struggled to finish it) was further compounded by the situation making Heart of Darkness the worst book ever.


  1. Congrats on reaching 100 followers! I am follower #101 haha...

    I never had to read Heart of Darkness for school, but I remember that I hated To Kill a Mockingbird even though everyone else loved it!

    You can see my FF post for this week at the link below, would love it if you stopped by! Have a great weekend,

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  2. I wasn't required to read this in school. Writing essays based on a book you didn't like is definitely hard, I wish they would give you an option to choose a book from a list rather than assigning one specifically.

    Happy Friday! :)

  3. Heart of Darkness is on my list as well. I read it after watching Apocalypse Now and I hated it. There is just something about Conrad's writing style that just does not work for me.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Grace @ Books Like Breathing

  4. I was lucky I never had to read Conrad... I did suffer through Moby Dick. 11th grade lit was difficult, to say the least, compounded by a wacky teacher who was obsessed with the white whale.

  5. Lol I loved your little story about why you hate this book. I gotta say, it never really appealed to me either. Thanks for stopping by Donna!

    The Cait Files

  6. In Highschool we had to read The Red Badge of was speaking of HS just reminded me of it or I would have used that one...LOL Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  7. Looks as if the GFC is not working today so i will return to follow. very nice blog. Noticed the layout on another blog while hopping.

  8. I haven't heard of that book before, but I'll be sure to avoid it!

    Thanks for hopping by!

  9. Hi there,
    Great choice ;) This was definitely NOT one of my favorites in high school. It was a downer for sure, and I didn't enjoy the writing or plot so much. Sigh, yet another required reading book, I did not enjoy. Your blog looks great, am now following!
    Ninja Girl

  10. oooh, never read it... and now I know to never bother :)

    until recently I ALWAYS finished books if I started them - ugh, can't make myself do that anymore!

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Returning the favor.

  12. Hopping through. I've never read Conrad. I doubt I'd like him.
    My Hop

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Popping over to return the favour. Also a new follower.

  14. Aw... Books for school usually aren't a hit. Definitely not fun when you have to read it!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Rebecca at kindle fever

  15. New follower hopping through! :) High school required reading is always the worst.

    Hope you're having a good weekend!

    Reader's Refuge

