Readers' Favorite

January 16, 2012

Video Blog #1: What I'm reading

I'm back with a video blog today. Last year some of my most viewed posts were my video blogs. I'm hoping to do them weekly. If you have any suggestions about the videos, want to ask me a question or want me to talk about something specific (related to books, publishing, authors), either leave a comment or send me an email. I would like to expand this feature, but I'm limited by my editing skills. If anyone is interested in volunteering their video editing skills, email me!

My Reading List:
As you can see I didn't post a review last week, which means I'm still reading the same books as last week. I'm getting closer to finishing them so hopefully will have a new review or two this week.

The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Charles Dickens (completed by David Madden). I'm finally to the section that Madden wrote. It is reading a bit quicker. The writing doesn't seem as dark and dense, but still has the same attention to detail.

The Egyptian by Layton Green. If I wasn't trying to finish up the Dickens novel, I would be totally consumed with this book. I think I might be a bit attracted to the main character, Dominic Grey, and wishing I was more like Veronica.

I forgot that I was still working through Gotchyaa by Steven Stiles. It is a suppose to be a study guide for Christian groups. I can't say it's a Bible study since there is little to no emphasis on Scripture. It is still interesting and I have 3 "weeks" left. I'm thinking I will just read through the last few chapters to finish the book up.

What are you reading this week? To check out what other bloggers are reading this week check out Book Journey's It's Monday! What are you reading?


  1. Loved your vlog! I'll be interested to see what you think of The Mystery of Edwin Drood!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I've really enjoyed Edwin Drood. Can't wait to finish it to see how it ends.

  2. Great vlog! Of course I'm busy saying, "Sean Dillon. The Jack Higgins character is Sean Dillon." because I felt like you were talking to me.

    1. Yes, that is the character! I figured I'd wake up in the middle of night one day this week with the name.

