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May 18, 2012

Friday Fun: Who's your favorite character?

I'm back with the Crazy for Books Book Blogger Hop. 

Who is your favorite book character?

I have loved many characters over the years, but when I saw this question one name popped into my head.  Maybe it's because I was never a Jane Austen fan so didn't really get the Mr. Darcy fangirls. However, my favorite book character is from a classic. It happens to be my all time favorite book - A Tale of Two Cities. This character probably really ruined romance and love for me. I'm going to blame him for my lack of a husband. So who is the character? Sydney Carton. He so loved Lucie, he died in the place of the man she loved. Yep, he set the bar high for all guys.

I would love to know who your favorite character is, please a comment.
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