Readers' Favorite

December 15, 2012

Christmas Book: A Christmas Home

A Christmas Home by Greg Kincaid
hardcover, 240 pages
Published: October 2012 by Crown Publishing
ISBN13: 9780307951977
Source: Publisher
Read: November 2012
Goodreads, Amazon, IndieBound

A Christmas Home by Greg Kincaid is the sequel to the popular Christmas book, A Dog Named Christmas. Haven't read that one yet? No worries, I haven't either. 

 A Christmas Home is a stand alone novel, though the characters are largely the same (possibly all the same). You still learn enough about the characters in this book to fully connect with them.

I should warn you this story is a bit sad. It starts off with a heartbreaking glimpse of a dog being abandoned due to foreclosure and economic hardship. We get to see Gracie is given a second life as a working dog - assisting a young woman. But the heartbreak doesn't end there. The shelter Todd works at is about face its own foreclosure. 

The story is predictable and you can see what is going to happen before the characters do. But for a book to get you ready for the holidays, it does the job. I read it over Thanksgiving (it's a quick read that you don't want to put down) and definitely felt the Christmas spirit. It was nice to remember there is more to the season than just presents and commercialization.

A free book was received from the source above in order to provide an honest review. Girl Who Reads is an advertising affiliate with Amazon and IndieBound; a small fee is earned when purchases are made using the above links.
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