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December 27, 2012

Tips on Thursday: Reflection

It is the end of the year; a time for people to reflect on the past year and begin preparing for the new year. Your blog should not be an overlooked component in your reflection. Now is a great time to see what worked well and what didn't go so well, what took a lot of time and what was easy to do, and look at changes or updates that need to be made.

What are your top viewed posts this year? For me, guest posts are always on top of the list. It is one of the reasons I started 3 weekly features for authors. My readers seem more interested in hearing from authors, than me. And I'm all about keeping my readers interested.

What kinds of post got few page views? For me, it's my reviews. But not all my reviews are poorly read. There is presentation differences in the least viewed and the most viewed reviews. Clearly, I need to work on how I present my reviews. Posting reviews can be a lot of pressure as it means I have to find time to read a book. Even only posting 2 reviews a week can be stressful. In the new year, I think I will only shoot for 1 review a week. If I can get more done (as I now have several books read, but not reviewed) great, but I'm not going to stress about it.

I tried posting multiple times a day for a couple of months. It was time consuming creating the content and finding time to post they content. While there was a bit more traffic to my blog with the multiple daily posts, not significantly enough to continue doing so as my time becomes more limited this winter (more freelance projects and Upward Cheerleading doesn't leave a lot of evening time for blogging).

I will be posting a "Year in Review" round up tomorrow. It's a great opportunity to take a closer look at the blog. Even if you don't do a round up post, I encourage you to spend a little time reviewing your past year of blogging.

Happy New Year!

PS. I'm looking for new topics for my Tips series in the new year. Let me know if there is something you would like me to cover.
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