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December 20, 2012

Tips on Thursday: Zemanta

Only a few more days until Christmas! Has your blogging suffered due to all the time the holidays is taking? Today's tip is a bit of a time saver that will allow you to dress up your posts with photos, links, and suggested articles.

I use Zemanta to assist with my blog writing and my posts have been much better since I have. Zemanta is a program that runs along side your blogging platform's editor. You can add your favorite sources, but it also recommends top sources so you will have great articles to link to. It also suggests photos and graphics related to your post. And don't worry about attribution - it's automatically inserted. Unsure what words to tag your post (labels in Blogger) with? Zemanta will offer suggestions!

My friend and fellow blogger Coral (Alchemy of Scrawl) put together this wonderful video tutorial. She uses Wordpress and Zemanta for Blogger is slightly different, but for the most part everything you need to know is in the video.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Looking forward to checking out the tutorial. This is my first time hearing of Zemanta. Thanks for sharing!

