Readers' Favorite

January 11, 2013

In the Spotlight: Fresh Pot of Tea

I often speak of the great community that can be found amongst book bloggers. I thought for 2013 it would be fun to shine the spotlight on fellow bloggers and encourage the sense of community. If you are a blogger who would like to be featured, I have a form for you to fill out. I want this feature to go beyond just "hey! check out this great blog"; I've asked each blogger to provide a little tip or advice to writers, readers, and/or other bloggers - build community. I hope you enjoy this new feature.

The Blogger: Alison DeLuca
The Blog: Fresh Pot of Tea

Welcome, Alison! Please tell us a little about yourself.

I'm a writer of YA steampunk fiction as well as an editor for my author collective and a local publishing company.

What will readers find on your blog?

My blog highlights online creativity, with an emphasis on writing. I also chat about being a stay-at-home mom and fulltime writer. 

What advice do you have for bloggers and authors?

Social media is great, as long as you keep it social. A fulltime stream of spam turns off prospective readers, followers, and buyers. 

That's a great tip, Alison. I heard that 2013 has been declared the year of RELATIONSHIPS by social media leaders, so thank you for the reminder about the proper use of social media.

Here's a glimpse at Fresh Pot of Tea:

Hop on over there and check out the fun stuff Alison offers her readers.

And if you would like to be In the Spotlight, sign up here.

The views, beliefs, and opinions expressed by guest post authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views, beliefs, or opinions of Girl Who Reads.


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