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February 18, 2013

Meet the Author: Bruce Bradley

I've always disliked talking about myself. In fact I've often said I'm my least favorite topic of conversation. So doing a "meet the author" piece is pretty challenging for me. But as I sit here trying to come up with something interesting to share, I realize the inspirational quotes I've taped around my computer describe my writer's journey. So here are some of my favorites ...

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney

Writing starts with a dream, or at least it did for me. Since the time I was a sophomore in high school I dreamed of being a writer. For decades that dream knocked about my head. Some years I'd chip away and make minute bits of progress. But it wasn't until decades later when I realized my dad was dying that I finally figured it out. Life is short—I better just go for it.

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” — Walt Disney

Even when you've decided to go for it and write a novel, it's easy to find a billion ways to fritter away your precious writing time. In 2009 I was lucky enough to hear Vince Flynn speak at a local writers' workshop. While he commended everyone for attending the workshop, he had a very simple warning that went something like this: "No writer ever completed a book at a workshop." What was my lesson? There's a time to learn, and there's a time to get it done. Writing is a lonely sport. Sit your butt in a chair, and just do it.

“I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn’t know how to get along without it.” — Walt Disney

Hooray! I achieved one of the biggest dreams of my life—writing my thriller, Fat Profits. The feeling of accomplishment was amazing! But it didn't take long to realize that the real battle hadn't even begun—competing for the attention of agents, publishers, and ultimately readers.

After facing all the obstacles to getting Fat Profits published, it's easy to see how so many great books go undiscovered. While my crazy writer's journey surely hasn't been easy, I'm confident it has made me a stronger, wiser, and more humble person.

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” — Walt Disney

No, writing a book isn't impossible—it just may seem that way. Did you know that there are literally hundreds of millions of people in the United States that dream of writing a book? I now realize why only a small fraction of authors actually reach the finish line and get their book published. But to all you dreamers out there, Walt Disney got it right and wrong. It is very fun to do the impossible, but it's not as easy as wishing upon a star.

About the Author

Bruce Bradley worked for over fifteen years in corporate America at companies like General Mills, Pillsbury, and Nabisco. Leveraging his business experience and lifelong passion for writing, Bruce Bradley's specialty is crafting heart-pounding thrillers where corporate greed and personal integrity square off, leaving a trail of murder and corruption in its wake.

Bruce Bradley is also active in the national media. He has been a guest on CNN, Dr. Oz, and has written or contributed to various articles for Men's Health, Prevention, The Huffington Post, Organic Gardening, Rodale, and Grist. In his free time he also blogs about the tricks, traps, and tools big food marketers use to get us eating more processed foods.

Born and raised in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Bruce now lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with his son, Ben, and their beloved dog, Katie.
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