Readers' Favorite

June 24, 2013

$50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway Sponsored by Alicia Michaels

These are dark times in the land of Fallada, and I fear that they will only continue to grow darker. Only the return of those we’ve lost will even the score.
It will begin with first line of the prophecy, which foretells of a red sun over the desert sky…
~Adrah, Queen of the Fae

So began Daughter of the Red Dawn, Book 1 of Alicia Michaels' The Lost Kingdom of Fallada series. The saga continues with the newly released Child of the Sacred Earth.

Get a degree, get a job, save adorable foster siblings from the clutches of the evil foster mom …
These are Jocylene Sanders’ top priorities as she enters her sophomore year of college. The last thing she expects is to find herself the champion of an entire kingdom. However, that is just what happens when the mysterious Faerie, Rothatin Longspear, appears to her, tasking her with saving a parallel world full of creatures from her wildest dreams.

Jocylene journeys with him into the world of Fallada, hoping for answers about her birth parents and background. What she finds is a mystifying past, and an even more uncertain future, as her heart becomes entangled with the stoic, battle-hardened Rothatin, as well as Eli, the untroubled Panther Shifter with no loyalties and no home. With her heart and soul pulled in so many directions, can Jocylene find the strength needed to become the savior one nation so desperately needs?

Buy Child of the Sacred Earth at Amazon and B&N 

Twitter Party with Alicia Michaels
Tuesday, June 25 at 8 pm eastern

Enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card

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A GWR Publicity event paid for by Anchor Group Publishing. Giveaway is sponsored by the author who is responsible for the delivery of prize. Girl Who Reads is an Amazon advertising affiliate; a small fee is earned when purchases are made at Amazon through the link above.
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