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July 27, 2013

Review: Truth by Sherri Hayes

I have been following this series since day one and was happy when I saw the ARC available on Netgalley. I read Slave (read my review) and Need (read my review) in just less than a day. I think I read Slave in like 5 hours.

I was fully prepared to spend my day reading Truth. However, I couldn't read it straight through like the other ones. It just didn't hold my attention. I remember some of the early reviews of Slave saying there was too much mundane detail. While I didn't feel that with Slave, I did see it in Truth. I didn't need to be told repeatedly that Brianna read during the day and in the evenings her and Stephen talked about what they were reading.

I felt like Truth was just filler. I don't think there was much in the way of character development or moving the plot forward. Pretty much there was reading and sex happening in this book. And the sex scenes felt forced, kind of like the scene was mandated. It was mechanical, maybe. It was like there was a prescribed number of pages before another sex scene was required.

Thankfully there is only one more book in the series. If there had been a few more scheduled I might give up the series after reading Truth. I think there is a lot of ground to cover in the last book in terms of Brianna and Stephen's relationship. I don't think they communicate about the important aspects of a relationship. For most of this book, she still thinks that it is either be his submissive or be out on the streets. I'm pretty sure a responsible Dom would make sure the person he was considering as a submissive understood she had options. Also, from what I've read about the lifestyle, the D/s is just one part of the relationship - that they love the person unconditionally. If one of the partners develops a condition where they were unable to physically, emotionally, or mentally to continue in their role as the dominant or submissive that the relationship would not end. That is what it means to be in a committed relationship based on unconditional love. I don't get that feeling from Stephen. I don't think he loves Brianna unconditionally.

So I sort of caught off track, but it bugs me every time I read Stephen saying "I love you" or reading how much he loves her. Because the truth is, if she can't be his submissive he won't be with her and to me that isn't love, it's lust. And there is too much lust and not enough love in this world for me to want to read about a couple in lust with one another.

My recommendation: If you are keeping up with this series, then definitely read Truth by Sherri Hayes. (If for no other reason, than to have the cliffhanger from Need resolved). If you haven't read this series, you might want to wait until the fourth book is out to see how it turns out.

Buy Truth at Amazon

Book info: ebook & paperback, published July 2013 by The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House
ISBN13: 9781612131610
Source: Netgalley
Read: May 2013

Girl Who Reads is an Amazon advertising affiliate; a small fee is earned when purchases are made at Amazon through the link above. A free digital galley was by provided by the source above in order exchange for an honest review.

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