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by Donna Huber For the A to Z Challenge, I discussed different book genres/categories. Each day, I gave a few details about the genre/catego...

December 30, 2013

Books Under the Tree

While my pile of books under the coffee table tells everyone that I do not need to receive more books for Christmas, my niece and nephew are still building their library. They each received several books. I know parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are always on the lookout for books that entertain the often difficult to please tween and teen age group. Here are what was found under the Christmas tree this year.

For my niece:

The Time-Traveling Fashionista 3Walk, talk, and dress like an Egyptian.

When Louise Lambert tries on a lavender Grecian gown during a visit to the mysterious Traveling Fashionista Vintage Sale, she feels a familiar tug and falls back in time, arriving at the dusty base of an enormous pyramid. She has landed in ancient Egypt...or has she?

It turns out that Louise is on the legendary Old Hollywood film set of Cleopatra, but her time there is short-lived. Rummaging through the wardrobe tent, Louise gets her hands on a pearl necklace that dates back to 51 BC, and she suddenly finds herself whisked away once more, this time to the ancient city of Alexandria, Egypt. Gold and jewels shimmer in the Egyptian sunlight, but poisonous snakes and dangerous enemies also roam the palace halls. Louise quickly learns that life as a handmaiden to Queen Cleopatra is much more treacherous--and fashionable--than she ever could have imagined.

Buy The Time-Traveling Fashionista and Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile at Amazon


Buy the Divergent trilogy at Amazon

For my nephew:

Huber Hill 3Cíbola, the city of gold, is just a myth—or is it? As Huber and his friends search for a magical golden staff, they must believe in the legends and follow the clues that will lead them to this fabled city. But with a madman and a deadly secret society right on their trail, it quickly becomes a race for their lives! Huber’s final installment will keep any adventurer captivated.

Buy Huber Hill and the Golden Staff of Cibola at Amazon

The Maze RunnerThe Scorch TrialsThe Death Cure

Buy The Maze Runner trilogy at Amazon

What books were under your tree?

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  1. Love that first cover for the Time Travelling Fashionista *__* Gorgeous!
    Ninja Girl

