I have been following this series for a long time. All the way back to when I met Sherri in an online forum and Finding Anna was going by a different name and was in its earliest of drafts. I stuck with the series to see where it would go, what Sherri would do with the characters, how she would resolve the plot.
I've mentioned several times I'm intrigued by captive stories, particularly what comes after rescue. That is what drew me originally to Sherri's series. Slave (see my review) starts with the rescue of Brianna and Need (see my review) and Truth (see my review) follow her journey back to life.
In Trust, the final installment of the Finding Anna series, Brianna has been separated from Stephen - her rescuer and love interest. Their reunion is contingent on the investigation surrounding Brianna's original disappearance and Stephen's subsequent involvement which included paying her capture a large sum of money.
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Overall, it was a nice wrap up of the series. However, it felt like there were too many scenes. Some just didn't need to be there. For example, the plot line with the misunderstanding with Stephan's ex-girlfriend. There was so much other conflict, bigger conflict, that having Brianna think he has moved on with an ex-girlfriend seemed contrite. In my opinion, it is an overdone plot device in romance novels.
A big pet peeve I have with romance novels is unnecessary sex scenes that go into so much detail that they are excruciating more than hot. One well written, emotion filled sex scene (for an example read Gabriel's Inferno) can raise the sexy level of a romance so much higher, than 10 mediocre scenes (I'm exaggerating; I didn't count the number of sex scenes. In fact I started skimming them to get back to the main story).
You may recall that I was not all that pleased with Truth. And perhaps some of the action that occurred in book 4 would have been better in book 3. It might have paced the story better. It was interesting to see that a couple of big complaints among reviewers of Slave was included in this final installment. It has been debated with each installment whether Stephen's Dom-technique really was helping Anna recover or keeping her more dependent on him. She suffered extreme psychological torment along with the physical torture. And while the structure he provides gives her stability during the transition, it was never evident if she would be able to fully function as an individual without professional help. The other complaint was if Stephen loved Anna enough to give up the BDSM lifestyle if she was unable to participate in the lifestyle due to her trauma.
Though I thought the story could have been more streamlined by cutting some of the extraneous scenes, overall Trust held my interest. It is another quick read and if you like to have a series wrapped up all pretty then you will want to read Trust.
ebook and paperback (310 pages)
Published March 2014 by The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House
ISBN13: 9781612132228
Source: Netgalley
Read: February 2014
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I'm not really into BDSM books but this sounds like more than that. Great break down and I like how you brought in parts of your reviews of the other books and other people's thoughts. Very nice review.