Readers' Favorite

July 21, 2014

Interview with Armand Rosamilia

by Heather Kirchhoff

Armand Rosamilia
What made you decide to start writing? Was this something you always thought you’d do?

I've wanted to be an author since I was twelve years old. No lie. And it was because of my mother's sizeable horror paperback collection, and especially Dean Koontz books.

How do you come up with your characters or story ideas?

By always being in 'writing mode' even when I'm not physically in front of my laptop. Every conversation I am in or eavesdrop on, every person I see in Walmart, and everything I see or read is stored for a possible future idea.

How do you get inspired to write?

The pile of bills on the desk. I am very lucky to be able to write full-time the last three years, but it is also the fear of not being able to pay the electric bill which fuels me to keep going and keep serious about the things I write and the contracts I sign.

What do you do while having writers block?

There is no such thing. A farmer never gets Farmer's Block. You put your ass in the chair and you write something, anything, until the ideas flow. I have more ideas running through my head than I could ever hope to write down in three lifetimes.

Dying Days 4
What kind of stories do you write?

I am 'known' for my zombie books, especially the Dying Days series. But I write horror, contemporary fiction, thrillers, crime, erotica, non-fiction… anything I feel like writing. I just finished ghostwriting a military romance.

Who are your favorite authors?

As a teen it was Dean Koontz, Robert E. Howard and HP Lovecraft. Now I can’t wait for the latest from Brian Keene, John Everson, Joe McKinney and so many more great authors.

How long have you been writing?

At twelve I wrote horrible Koontz rip-off stories. I had my first published story in my early twenties but got serious about four years ago after a long dry spell.

What are your other stories about?

I'm all over the place, to be honest. I write stories that intrigue me, ideas that are interesting. I am also in a great place in my career, where someone can pitch an idea at me and I twist it and make it my own. I am in the midst of a thirteen book deal with a Hollywood company, with some of these stories going to eventually become movies.

What are you currently working on?

Since Dying Days 4 was just released, I've been working on several short stories for anthologies as well as Dying Days: Origins 2 and a horror novel I hope to shop to a publisher soon. And about a hundred other things. There are always 3-5 open documents on my laptop I am working on.

What do you do when not writing?

I don’t remember. Actually, I also do two different radio shows each week: Mando's Manic Melodies on Friday nights from 10 til midnight EST on 97.3 FM The Surf in Flagler Beach Florida and Mando's Metal Covers on Monday nights from 6-8 pm EST. I have also begun a podcast, interviewing authors, film makers, artists, etc. called Arm Cast: Dead Sexy Horror Podcast. It will debut sometime in July, if all goes as planned. I also sleep occasionally.

About the Author
Armand Rosamilia is a New Jersey boy currently living in sunny Florida, where he writes when he's not watching the Boston Red Sox and listening to Heavy Metal music... and because of him they won the 2013 World Series, so he's pretty good at watching!

He's written over 100 stories that are currently available, including a few different series:

"Dying Days" extreme zombie series
"Keyport Cthulhu" horror series
"Flagler Beach Fiction Series" contemporary fiction
"Metal Queens" non-fiction music series

He also loves to talk in third person... because he's really that cool. He's a proud Active member of HWA as well.

You can find him at for not only his latest releases but interviews and guest posts with other authors he likes! And e-mail him to talk about zombies, baseball and Metal:

Buy Dying Days 4 at Amazon

Heather Kirchhoff is a staff interviewer at Girl Who Reads. She lives in a small town in Missouri. She became a bookworm back in sixth grade when her teacher suggested the Phantom Stallion series by Terri Farley and instantly fell in love. She loves reading paranormal stories, plus some love ones here and there. Writing is her passion-it helps her escape the world for a while, as well as reading-she doesn’t know what she’d do without it. She just loves it. When she isn’t writing, Heather is doing odd jobs, reading, taking walks, or spending time with her boyfriend and animals/family. Richelle Mead, Alyson Noel, and Stephenie Meyer inspired her to write. Connect with Heather on Facebook and Twitter.

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