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August 14, 2014

Coming Back from a Break

by Donna Huber

Summer is winding down and schools are starting back up. Many bloggers took the last few weeks off as they enjoyed end of summer activities and the back to school buying rush. Now schedules will start to normalize and it's time to get back to blogging. But it can be difficult to get back into it, particularly if you took an extended period of time off. Here are some tips to help you get groove back.

Take Stock of Reviews
Have you read books, but haven't written the reviews for them? I have several reviews to write. They will probably take me to the end of August to get them all posted if I only do one a week. Even if the books weren't read for review, does not mean you can't review it. Did you catch up on a series from the library or did you take advantage of daily free deals to load up your Kindle? Any outstanding reviews will buy you some time while you are working out the new school year schedule.

Host Guest Posts
Guest posts can help with setting a regular posting schedule again without you having to write all the posts. Put a call out for submissions on Twitter and Facebook. Also you can reach out to some of your favorite authors, particularly if they are a small press or indie author.

Participate in a Meme
To get your brain going again in terms of blogging, memes can assist you with topics and ideas. Sometimes just getting back to a regular schedule can be difficult. Memes can be useful in they give you a focus but also usually a day of the week to post.

Sign up for a Tour
A tour can help you focus on setting a schedule as well as giving you books to read and material to post. It can also help reboot your traffic. The number of visitors may have dropped during you break and being on a tour will give you added exposure.

Sign up for my Newsletter
By signing up for my publicity newsletter you will have access to books to review (on your own time and not as part of tour); materials for spotlights, guest posts, and interviews; as well as tours and events coming up in the next few months. You can sign up here:

I hope these tips help you transition back in to blogging.

Donna is an avid reader and natural encourager. She is the founder of Girl Who Reads and the author of how-to marketing book Secrets to a Successful Blog Tour. She reads most genres (NO horror or erotica), but her favorite books are psychological thrillers and stories that highlight the survival of the human spirit against unbelievable circumstances.


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