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October 6, 2014

Review: Twisted Dreams by @MarissaFarrar

by Claire Rees

A coming of age story with a twist!

Twisted Dreams

‘I am a dhampyre- born of a human mother to a vampire father. My parents did their best to raise me as any normal child, but hey when your dad survives by drinking the blood of other people, something like that is always going to play on a girls mind’ – Elizabeth Bandores

The Review

I have read all the previous works of this author and jumped at the chance to read and review Marissa Farrar’s newest release Twisted Dreams.

We start off with a girl, Elizabeth, leaving home for the first time and going to college in a different town to the one she grew up in, in order to gain some independence.  However Elizabeth is no ordinary college girl, she is a Dhampyre; half human and half vampire.  Elizabeth hopes that by moving away from home that she can lead a normal life for a change.

But this is not the case, on the way to college an electrical wire has been knocked onto the middle of the road. It hits Elizabeth’s car and fries the electrics.  With her car in the garage she manages to get to college a little late but unharmed.  From here on she makes a few friends and goes to the carnival that has set up in town.  She has a premonition that one of the rides is faulty and that people are going to be hurt and rushes to tell the tall dark and handsome carnival guy who is controlling the ride. It turns out her premonition comes true and now she is under suspicion from the police and her friends as she cannot explain how she knew the ride was faulty.

She has also gotten the interest of the carnival owner and his thugs who are not so friendly and she finds herself in terrible danger and doesn’t know who she can turn to or trust. Even her friends have magical secrets.

I would recommend this book to all who love the paranormal and magic. But also to those who love YA books and coming of age stories full of danger and mystery.

Buy Twisted Dreams at Amazon

Book info:
Available formats: ebook
Published: September 2014 by Warwick House Press
Genre: paranormal romance, coming of age
Audience: New adult
Source: Author
Read: September 2014

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