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February 19, 2015

Getting "Content" on Triberr

by Donna Huber

If you are on Triberr you may have seen on posts in your Tribe that says "No content present". My posts use to display a similar message until I found a simple fix.

It appears to be a problem with the RSS feed, but I tried many things to fix it. I wanted a preview of my content to display in the stream. I think it makes people in my tribes more likely to share the post when they know something about it. Thankfully, most of my blog post titles give someone an idea of what the post is about. I mean, what else would Review: The Winter Boys be about? However, some of the guest posts aren't as clearly titled. For example, Critter Control to the Rescue could be the title of the author's latest cozy mystery or literally about mouse catching. In truth, it was a post on editing and how to limit pesky pet words. Without the preview in the Triberr stream, people wouldn't know that.

I first messed around with settings in the RSS feed. I set it to full text then to partial text. That didn't help. I unconnected my blog on Triberr and then reconnected it. No dice. It wasn't displaying any content when it pulled my post through. Then I found this little setting in Triberr:

Your setting may say "keep original description from RSS feed". If yours does and you are getting the "No content" message, then use the drop down arrow to switch the setting to "Let Triberr create a description". After I made this change, my posts started having a description. I still briefly get the "no content" message when the post first pulls into the stream, but it is quickly replaced with a description. 

I still don't know why it happens. Perhaps it is because I use Blogger and most of Triberr is designed for WordPress, but that is just speculation.

Anyways, it is now fixed for me and you can fix it yours, too!


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