Readers' Favorite

September 8, 2016

Review: The Light of Paris by Eleanor Brown

by Susan Roberts

I love to travel and my favorite place to visit is Paris.  When I can't be there, I enjoy reading about this beautiful city.  The Light of Paris is a new book about the City of Lights.

cover of The Light of Paris

The Light of Paris was the first book that I've read by Eleanor Brown. I enjoyed it so much that I just ordered her first book (The Weird Sisters) from Amazon.

This novel is told from two viewpoints in alternating chapters - Madeleine in 1999 and her grandmother Margie in 1919. Both women had so much in common because they were both being forced by their parents and society to conform to the norms of their times and to become someone different than wanted to be. Madeleine is trapped in a loveless marriage and has had to give up her dreams of being an artist because her husband and mother thought that it was a ridiculous waste of time. Margie had given up her dreams to be a writer and was being forced into marriage because her parents didn't want her to be a spinster. When Madeleine goes to visit her mother, she finds Margie's journals about the three months that she spent in Paris pursuing her dreams. Will reading Margie's journals give Madeleine the courage to make changes in her life?

Brown did a fantastic job with the two main characters. They are both very complex but sympathetic and have a lot in common despite the years that separate them.

One of my favorite parts of the novel were the descriptions of Paris during Margie's time there. I love Paris and I love reading books about that wonderful city. The author didn't disappoint me at all with the Paris that she wrote about.

Buy The Light of Paris from Amazon
(A free galley was provided by NetGalley for this review)

Susan Roberts, reviewer. Susan grew up in the Detroit area but after deciding that city life wasn't for her she moved to North Carolina after college. She and her husband have several acres of land and they enjoy gardening and canning vegetables in the summer. They travel extensively. Susan reads almost anything (and the piles of books in her house prove that) but her favorite genres are Southern fiction, women's fiction, and thrillers. Susan is a top 1% Goodreads Reviewer. You can connect with Susan on Facebook or Twitter

Book info:
available formats: ebook and print (320 pages)
published: July 2016 by Penguin
ISBN13: 978-0399158919
genres: women's fiction, family life
source: Netgalley

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  1. This sounds like quite an interesting book to read. I don't think I have read any books set in Paris, so I may have to pick this one up. Always love discovering new books and authors.

