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June 11, 2019

The Hungry Ghost by Dalena Storm ~ a Review

by MK French

Sam was still being pulled into her alcoholic ex-husband's orbit even as Madeline is trying to forge a new relationship with her. A car accident leaves Sam in a coma, which leaves her body vulnerable to possession by a ghost that knows nothing but hunger, and her soul winds up being reborn as a cat. The ghost is willing to devour everything that Sam once loved in its quest to feel full again.

Amazon affiliate links are used on this site. A free book was provided for an honest review.

June 2019; Black Spot Books; 978-1732935754
ebook, print (226 pages); horror
The Hungry Ghost is a well written and hard to describe story. The ghost that winds up inhabiting Sam's body is real, and also parallels the novel that Madeline is trying to write, exorcising her feelings for Sam. Jimmy, in charge of the Used Cat Emporium, seems like a completely separate story thread until Sam's soul twines with that of a sickly kitten that would have otherwise died during birth. It's clear that everyone in the story wants to belong somewhere and with someone, but have difficulty doing so. Sam was hurt emotionally by her ex and has difficulty connecting with Madeline. Madeline's desire for Sam is clear and she isn't going to push where she isn't wanted, so that frustrated longing gets diverted into her writing. Jimmy was hurt by life in general and then found his purpose in helping the cats of Boston.

The beginning of the book is mostly that of dissatisfied relationships, grounded in an ordinary world. Once the hungry ghost inhabits Sam's body and Sam is born as a kitten, the supernatural elements start and we veer a bit into horror. That leads to a bit of tension and surprise because the story doesn't go exactly where you would expect it to. It's because of this that it's difficult to categorize this into a single genre, but it still works. The varying genres meld well together, and the story closes with a satisfying and complete ending. It's not exactly a happy one, but we're not left with any questions at the end. This was definitely an interesting read, and because it's a rather slim volume, it's just as easy to devour as the ghost would want.

Buy The Hungry Ghost at Amazon

Born and raised in New York City, M.K. French started writing stories when very young, dreaming of different worlds and places to visit. She always had an interest in folklore, fairy tales, and the macabre, which has definitely influenced her work. She currently lives in the Midwest with her husband, three young children, and golden retriever.

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  1. Not my usual type of book, but it sounds interesting.

    1. It's kind of difficult to categorize, but it's certainly interesting and not a scary kind of ghost story.

  2. I do like a ghost story, but not sure if this would suit. Hope you enjoy it!

    1. This isn't a super scary kind of ghost story. We see the ghost's perspective at first, and later on it possesses Sam's body. This was a fascinating kind of read.

  3. i do like a good ghost story and the tease makes me feel bad for the poor ghost.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. This is less of a traditional horror kind of ghost story, even though the ghost does possess Sam's body.

  4. I don't read too many ghost stories but hope you like this one.

    1. It was an interesting story, and not a horror one, at least!

  5. This isn't my usual type of read, but I can see its appeal.

    1. It was really fascinating to see how the story threads all tied together.

  6. You can pass along the review to others who might enjoy this kind of story.

