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November 22, 2019

Beautiful, Complicated Family: Volumes 1 & 2 by Rosey Lee ~ a Review

by Susan Roberts

Beautiful, Complicated Family is a collection of flash fiction stories exploring the connections that can hold people together or tear them apart. Like most families, the relationships in this uplifting collection consist of intricate elements. Sometimes things get messy, but it’s always beautiful. Read each story in about 5 minutes The stories are perfect for readers who enjoy contemporary fiction/women's fiction novels as well as those who only have time for a quick read. This collection is filled with relatable characters and endings that pull at your heartstrings, so don’t be surprised if you laugh or cry along the way.

Amazon affiliate links are used on this site. Free books were provided for an honest review.

October 2019; Fiction Physician, LLC
ebook (32 pages); anthology
Flash Fiction is new to me. The definition it is fiction of a type characterized by being very short, typically consisting of only a few hundred words. I normally read novels along with a few novellas but I found flash fiction very enjoyable.

Volume 1 has 5 stories and each story told of an event in a different family's life.  My favorite was 'Blossom in the Snow' about a young woman who is meeting with her broker to access her late aunt's account.  She has an unusual name and is surprised when the broker pronounces it correctly.  During this short story she not only learns that she is named after a tree that blooms in the winter and maintains its beauty even during the worst weather but she also learns that she, too, can bloom during the worst conditions of her life.

Buy Beautiful, Complicated Life vol 1 at Amazon 
(It's free today)

November 2019; Fiction Physician, LLC
ebook (29 pages); anthology
Volume 2 also has five stories that told of events in the lives of different families.  My favorite in this volume was 'To Establish Care' about a female doctor with poor communication skills meeting a patient for the first time. As the patient discusses her life with the doctor, she is amazed to get the answers to questions about her own life.

All of these stories are quick reads some of them will make you laugh out loud and some will bring tears to your eyes. I highly recommend these flash fiction stories for you to read when you don't have a lot of time. I'll definitely search for more of these types of stories.

Buy Beautiful, Complicated Life vol 2 at Amazon

Susan Roberts lives in North Carolina when she isn't traveling. She and her husband enjoy traveling, gardening and spending time with their family and friends. She reads almost anything (and the piles of books in her house prove that) but her favorite genres are Southern fiction, women's fiction, and thrillers. Susan is a top 1% Goodreads Reviewer. You can connect with Susan on FacebookGoodreads, or Twitter.

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