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December 23, 2023

Dachshund Through the Snow by Rosie A. Point

It's Day 23 of our 25 Days of Christmas Reading and we have a free Christmas cozy mystery for you. Are Christmas books not your thing? We've also been reviewing other books this month, so check them out if you are looking for a non-holiday read. But if Christmas books are your thing, we have offered up plenty of reading recommendations and free ebooks during our 25 Days of Christmas Reading

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book cover of Christmas cozy mystery Dachshund Through the Snow by Rosie A. Point
December 2021; Indie; 979-8783814396
audio, ebook, print (156 pages); cozy mystery

It’s going to be a very murder Christmas…

Holly loves the small town life in Full Fork, New York, especially since she gets to spend most of her time walking the adorable dogs of the town’s elite. Or hanging out at her best friend’s pet cafe. And the first day of Christmas is no exception to the routine.

Until she arrives at her first client’s home to pick up an adorable Dachshund named Dixie and finds a corpse instead. The owner has been murdered! And, as the last person who saw her, Holly’s got a bright red target on her back. She’s got to figure out whodunit before Christmas is ruined.

The ebook is free as of 12/23/2023, please verify the price before purchasing.

Dachshund Through the Snow is book 1 in the A Very Murder Christmas series. If you enjoy this book you can pickup the next two books in the series for just $2.99 each.

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